Chapter 7: Your Angel?

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Next day...

Seungcheol and Jeonghan's bruises are still there but their bodies are not in pain anymore. They went to the school together again.

When they came inside the classroom, they heard Wonho said, "Oh! They're here." With a loud voice

Seungcheol and Jeonghan just ignored him and sat on their respective seats.

When it is their break time, there's a guy with a brown hair went to Jeonghan and asked, "Hello Jeonghan! I don't know you transferred here. When did you transfer here?"

"Oh, Jisoo! I just had my first day on Monday." Jeonghan answered

"So, how are you?" Jisoo asked

"I'm good. How about you? I didn't see you on my first day here."

"I was absent that day. How about you? Why are you absent yesterday?" Jisoo asked curiously

"Yesterday? Uhm. I got beaten with Seungcheol..."


"No, Jisoo! I mean, Seungcheol and I got beaten by Wonho." Jeonghan said

"What? Aish. That Wonho! You should take care of yourself. And that bruise, Wonho did that to you, right?" Jisoo asked as he pointed on Jeonghan's bruise on the left side of his eye

"Yes... Honestly, I was just the only one who got beaten but Seungcheol came to save me." Jeonghan explained

"Seungcheol... He saved you." Jisoo said, chuckling sarcastically a bit

"Hey Jeonghan!" Seungcheol interrupted

"Yes, Seungcheol?" Jeonghan asked

"Nothing. I thought you were not here." Seungcheol said as he went beside Jeonghan and put his arm on Jeonghan's shoulder

"What's up, Jisoo?" Seungcheol asked as he looked at Jisoo who is getting jealous

"Nothing, Choi Seungcheol! Thanks for saving my angel." Jisoo answered and left already

"What did he say?!" Seungcheol asked Jeonghan curiously

"Sa-saving his... angel?" Jeonghan mumbled Jisoo's last three words before he left

"His angel? What the-" Seungcheol sighed deeply

"Uhm. Seungcheol-ah! I'm just going to talk to someone." Jeonghan said as he removed Seungcheol's arm on his shoulder


"Ya! Hong Jisoo!" Jeonghan called Joshua who is about to get inside the school's garden

"What is it, Jeonghan?" Jisoo asked as he opened the entrance door of the garden

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Let's talk inside the garden." Jisoo said and they entered the garden then they sat on the bench

"What do you want to talk about?" Jisoo asked



Jeonghan just nodded.

"What is it? Just say it to me." Jisoo said

"I know this sounds... Uhm... a bit crazy but let's be honest to each other, can we?" Jeonghan asked

"Sure! Well, I'm always honest to you." Jisoo chuckled a bit

"Okay then." Jeonghan sighed. "We know that we're friends since we were young and until now, we're still friends, right? First, I would like to ask is... your feelings."

"Uhm. What kind of feelings are you talking about?" Jisoo asked

"I mean, do you have feelings on me?" Jeonghan asked and looked at Jisoo

"H-huh? Nothing! Of course, I don't have. Why would I? We're both males." Jisoo lied and chuckled. He really has feelings to Jeonghan, he's just not ready to say it honestly for now.

"I know... I'm sorry for asking that. I think I really misunderstand many things these days." Jeonghan smiled. "By the way, whose angel are you talking about earlier? You thanked Seungcheol for saving 'your angel'."

"My angel? Haha. It's nothing! Forget it."

"Ahh. Is that so?"

"Yes. Don't mind it anymore! Just think only about yourself." Jisoo said

"Yeah. I should."

"Uhm. We should go back to our classroom now, maybe our next subject teacher is already starting his class." Jisoo said and Jeonghan nodded. Then they went back to their classroom together to attend their next class.

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