Chapter 12: New Worker

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After 5 years...

Seungcheol and his friends got their own jobs already. Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua are still working at the coffee shop while Hoshi, Jun, Dino and Minghao are now dance teachers. Seungkwan went back to Jeju and work with his mother. Jihoon is now a producer. Dokyeom went back to his hometown and works at his father's company. Vernon went to New York to have his vacation but he still works at Korea with Wonwoo and Mingyu in a restaurant.

The three boys, who are working at the coffee shop, are doing their own works when Mrs. Yoon entered the shop with a blond haired boy. The three boys looked at him with a curious face.

"Who is he?" Seungcheol asked to Jeonghan

"I don't know." Jeonghan said as he looked at his boyfriend

"Boys! Please come here for awhile." Mrs. Yoon called then the three boys went to Mrs. Yoon

"What is it, mom?" Jeonghan asked as Seungcheol put his arm on Jeonghan's shoulder

"I just want to introduce this boy to all of you." Mrs. Yoon said and smiled then the blond haired boy introduced himself politely, "Hello. My name is Lee Minhyuk. I'm a new worker here. Please treat me well." He bowed

"I'm Choi Seungcheol! Nice to meet you."

"Hi! I'm Hong Jisoo. You can also call me Joshua."

"And this is my son, Yoon Jeonghan." Mrs. Yoon said and pointed to her son

"Oh! I thought he's a girl." Minhyuk chuckled

"No, he's not. He only has long hair and pretty face but he's a male, too. Like you." Mrs. Yoon said and Minhyuk chuckled then he said, "Sorry about that."

"It's okay." Jeonghan smiled

"You can start your work today." Mrs. Yoon said and smield to Minhyuk

"Thank you, Mrs. Yoon!" Minhyuk bowed then Mrs. Yoon left

"Don't be shy. We're good friends!" Seungcheol said and patted Minhyuk's shoulder

"Okay, Seungcheol..." Minhyuk said awkwardly then they went back to work

12:10 - 1:10PM = workers break time/lunch time

It's our lunch time.
I saw the three boys having their lunch together then I decided to join them and I sat beside Joshua. I want to sit beside Jeonghan but I can't because he's sitting beside Seungcheol.

I really thought that Jeonghan is a girl because of his long shiny blond hair and pretty face.

I looked at Jeonghan and Seungcheol. They're really sweet to each other. Because of that, I became curious about them. Is there something about Jeonghan and Seungcheol? I think they like each other.

I don't know what I really feel towards Jeonghan. I think this is love at first sight. I don't know.... I think I like him already.

"My birthday is in two weeks. What should I do?" Jeonghan asks and he looks at Seungcheol cutely

"You decide it! It's your birthday." Seungcheol answered then he kissed Jeonghan's forehead. My eyes widened. I'm really sure there is something about them.

I just continue eating quietly and will get back to work once I'm done.


It's 08:20PM already. After 10 minutes, we'll close the coffee shop because the closing time is at 08:30PM.

I saw Seungcheol already fixing his things while Joshua and Jeonghan are cleaning the other tables.

"You're going now?" I asked Seungcheol who just zipped his bag

"Not yet. I'm going to wait for Jeonghan."

"Oh... Okay! I'll go first. See you tomorrow." I smiled and waved my hands to them

"Take care." Jeonghan said and smiled at me
Jeonghan's smile is really pretty. Damn it! I'm falling in love with him. But I can't because he's taken. He is taken by Seungcheol. I'm sure about it.

I smiled back at him and left the coffee shop.


Hello guys! I just added a character. It is Lee Minhyuk from Monsta X!

I hope you like my story. ^^

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