Chapter 13: Birthday Celebration

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After 2 weeks...

Today is Jeonghan's birthday. His mom closed their coffee shop just for today because they will celebrate Jeonghan's birthday here at the coffee shop.

All of his friends are going to his birthday celebration.
Vernon and Seungkwan just came back in South Korea a week ago. Vernon had been in New York while Seungkwan had been in Jeju.

Jeonghan is at the coffee shop right now. He feels so excited. His birthday celebration will start at lunch time. Then he received a text message from Seungcheol, he opened it and read it excitingly.

Hello my pretty angel! Happy birthday to you. I hope you'll enjoy your special day. I'm sorry I can't make it later. I can't go to your birthday celebration because I have a fever. I'm really sorry, my angel! I hope you'll enjoy with our friends. I love you~"

After reading the message, the smile on Jeonghan's face suddenly disappeared. He sighed and just sat on the chair near him. His mom saw him then she sat beside her son.

"Is there a problem, sweetie?" Mrs. Yoon asked as she tapped Jeonghan's shoulder

Jeonghan sighed first before he answered, "Seungcheol said he's not going to my birthday celebration." He pouted


"He said he has a fever." Then Mrs. Yoon pulled him into a hug and pats his back

"It's okay, sweetie. Your friends are coming! Just celebrate with them."

Jeonghan just sighed at his mom's words the entrance door of the coffee shop opened and 11 boys entered and greets Jeonghan a "Happy Birthday Jeonghan!" in unison.

"Thank you." Jeonghan said sadly. His friends noticed it.

"Why are you sad, Jeonghan hyung?" Soonyoung asked worriedly

"Yeah. Do you have a problem, hyung?" Dino asked

Jeonghan just lowered his head and sighed
"Hey, cheer up. Don't be sad. It is your birthday!" Seungkwan sat beside him and pats his back

"Seungcheol is not going to my birthday celebration."

"Why? Did you fight?" Joshua asked worriedly

"No. He's not going because he said he has a fever." Jeonghan explained

"Oh... Really? Don't worry, he'll be fine. Just celebrate with us and your family." Dokyeom said, tries to cheer Jeonghan up

The truth is Seungcheol doesn't have a fever and the other members know about it. They're just pretending that they don't know. Seungcheol has a surprise for Jeonghan.

When Jeonghan's family and friends are eating their lunch happily, Jeonghan keeps smiling even he's really sad inside.

Then the rest of the family and his friends became quiet when someone entered the coffee shop but Jeonghan didn't notice that there's someone came in. He just noticed that the rest became quiet.

"Why are you all quiet?" Jeonghan asked curiously but no one answered him. Then he felt hands covered his eyes.

The guy who covered Jeonghan's eyes suddenly sung a Happy Birthday with a 'I love you my angel' at the end.

Jeonghan removed the hands from his eyes and turned around to look at who is it.

"Seungcheol-ah!" He suddenly stood up and hugged Seungcheol tightly. "I though you're not coming."

Seungcheol pats his back and chuckled then he said, "That was a joke."

"I hate you! I was so worried about you." Jeonghan punched Seungcheol's arm lightly. Tears fell down on his cheeks.

"Hey... Don't cry. It's okay! I'm here now." Seungcheol hugged Jeonghan again, "Why are you crying?"

"I missed you so much. I haven't seen you in five days." Jeonghan released the hug then Seungcheol cupped his face and said, "Stop crying, okay? I was busy those past few days." Then he removed the tears using his thumb and pecked Jeonghan's lips

"So cheesy hyung!" Soonyoung teased, they all chuckled

"I have something for you." Seungcheol then turned around and got the bouquet of roses and shopping bag from the other table.

"For you, my pretty angel." Seungcheol said as he handed his gifts for Jeonghan

"Thank you very much!"

Jeonghan opened the shopping bag and saw a white teddy bear inside with a pink ribbon and a nametag written '천사' on it.

[A/N: 천사 -> cheonsa - means 'angel']

"It's so cute!" Jeonghan said and hugged the teddy bear. "And the roses smell good!"

"Yeah. It is cute like you." They both chuckled

"Seungcheol hyung! Let's eat first." Vernon interrupted

Then they sat and enjoy eating lunch with their friends and Jeonghan's family.

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