Chapter 4: His First Day in School

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Monday 05:53AM
Jeonghan woke up because of his loud ringtone. Then he saw the message from Seungcheol:
"Good morning, angel! Wake up now. We need to go to school early."

"It's too early. I'll get up after 10 minutes." Jeonghan replied

"Don't be stubborn, angel. Get up now and better eat your breakfast."

"Fine. I'll get up for you." After Jeonghan replied. He sat up and yawned.

Jeonghan is now alone at home because his mom went to the coffee shop early to clean and his dad left for his work in the office.

Jeonghan went to the kitchen to have his breakfast. It's so quiet inside their house because he's just the only one left at home.
Jeonghan is already done taking a bath. He already finished organizing his things.

When he just went out from his room, he heard the door bell rang.

He went to the door and opened it. He saw Seungcheol with his hands inside his pocket.

"Why are you here?" Jeonghan asked

"To pick you up." Seungcheol answered as he went closer to Jeonghan

"I'm not a child anymore to pick me up. I can go to school by myself."

"I know. Are you done? Let's go to school together." Seungcheol said as he looked at his wrist watch. "We're getting late. Let's go now!"

"Fine." Jeonghan sighed

Seungcheol opened his car's door for Jeonghan then Jeonghan sat down beside the driver's seat.

While on the way to school...
"Why are you so nice to me?" Jeonghan suddenly asked

"Because I like you." Seungcheol thought

"Because you're nice." Seungcheol answered simply

"Any other reasons?"

"There are no other reasons." Seungcheol answered and chuckled a bit. "Don't be so curious about me. I'm not a bad person."

Jeonghan just chuckled about what Seungcheol said

When they already arrived in the school, Pledis Academy, people are looking at them while they're walking on the hallway.

"Who's that guy?"
"Is that guy a boy or a girl?"
"He's pretty!"
"He's a new student here. How pretty!"
"He's a male, right? But he looks like a girl."

Jeonghan and Seungcheol heard the students are talking about them especially Jeonghan. Seungcheol chuckled at all what he just heard from the students, Jeonghan saw him and said, "Why are you chuckling? There's nothing funny. I know most of the students who saw me are confused on my gender."

"It's your fault. You're pretty but you're a male."

At the classroom...
"Good morning, Seungcheol and Jeonghan!" Seungkwan greeted cheerfully

"Who is he?" Jun asked

"We will know." Hoshi answered

"Hi guys! I would like to introduce him to you, this is Yoon Jeonghan. Our new friend and his age is the same as mine." Seungcheol introduced Jeonghan to his friends

"Nice to meet you, Jeonghan hyung!" Jun, Hoshi, Woozi, Minghao and Dino said

"We already met him last time." Wonwoo said as Mingyu, Vernon, Seungkwan & Dokyeom nodded

"We really thought he's a girl." Vernon chuckled

"We also thought he was Seungcheol's girlfriend. But he's really not." Dokyeom said

"It's okay. Stop it already." Jeonghan said

Then the teacher came inside the classroom and greeted, "Good morning class!"
"Today, we have one transferee. Mr. Yoon, please introduce yourself."

Jeonghan stood up and introduced his self, "Hello everyone! My name is Yoon Jeonghan. Nice to meet you all!" Then he bowed

"He's too pretty to be a boy." Someone mumbled but Jeonghan just ignored it.

"Thank you, Mr. Yoon! Welcome to Pledis Academy, we hope you'll enjoy your studies here." The teacher said. Jeonghan just bowed and sat down on his seat beside Seungcheol.

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