Chapter 11: Boyfriend

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Today is Saturday. Seungcheol is very bored; he wants to go out so he asked Jeonghan through message if he wants to go out, too.

"Hey Jeonghan! Are you busy?"

"No, why?"

"Let's go out!"

"Sure. Where?"

"Anywhere. ㅋㅋㅋ Let's have our lunch together!"

"Okay, Seungcheol. I'll just dress up!"

Seungcheol just wore a blue and white stripes sweatshirt and black pants, and dark blue converse as his shoes.

When he was done, he sent a message to Jeonghan. "Wait for me. I'm going to pick you up." Then he went to Yoon's house to pick Jeonghan up.

Seungcheol knocked on the door, it opened by Mrs. Yoon. "What brings you here, Seungcheol?" Mrs. Yoon asked and smiled

"Good morning, Mrs. Yoon! I'm here to pick up your son." Seungcheol said politely

"Oh! You have an appointment with him today?"

"No, Mrs. Yoon. It's a date- I mean, we're just going out to have our lunch together." Seungcheol chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Is that so? Please come in and wait Jeonghan inside."

"Thanks, Mrs. Yoon!" Seungcheol bowed and went inside the house.

Seungcheol waited for Jeonghan at the living room. When Jeonghan already came out from his room, he went to the living room and saw Seungcheol sitting on the sofa.

They both widened their eyes because they didn't plan to wear the same outfit but they're wearing the same. Jeonghan is also wearing blue and white stripes sweatshirt and black pants but their shoes are different.

"Oh! You didn't plan to wear the same outfit, did you?" Mrs. Yoon said

"No, mom. We didn't plan anything. I don't know he'll wear that, too." Jeonghan said

"You two look like a couple. Can I take a photo of you?" The two boys just chuckled then Mrs. Yoon took a photo of them.

"Mrs. Yoon, we're going now." Seungcheol said

"Okay. Take care boys!" Mrs. Yoon said and waved her hands then the two left.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan had their lunch first before going to the park. They bought an ice cream and went to the park and sat on the bench.

"Ice cream is really delicious!" Seungcheol said. Jeonghan just smiled.

When they already done eating their ice cream, Jeonghan continued their conversation.

"I'm going to ask you again, Seungcheol. Why did you kiss me?" Jeonghan really wants to know the reason.

"Jeonghan, I already told you that I don't have reason."

"When will you say the truth, Seungcheol?" Jeonghan seems to be serious right now.

"I have another question, why do you always get jealous every time I'm with Joshua?" Seungcheol doesn't know to answer. He just bit his bottom lip.

There was a moment of silence.

"Why do you like Joshua?" Seungcheol broke the silence

"What are you asking? I don't like him. He's just a friend to me. And I asked you first, answer my question first."

"What's with him that I don't have?" Seungcheol asked again

"Why do you keep asking me? I asked you first."

They're both serious right now. Seungcheol is still not answering. Jeonghan is already sick waiting for Seungcheol's answer so he stood up.

He was about to walk away but Seungcheol suddenly shouted, "I like you, Jeonghan!" Jeonghan's eyes widened then he turned around to face Seungcheol.


Seungcheol didn't say anything. He went in front of Jeonghan and suddenly pulled him into a kiss. Jeonghan's eyes widened but he didn't push Seungcheol. The kiss became passionate then Jeonghan pushed Seungcheol lightly and asked, "Why did you kiss me, Seungcheol-ah...?"

"I already told you the reason." Seungcheol smiled

"Do you really like me?" Jeonghan asked as Seungcheol circled his arms around Jeonghan's waist.

"I love you, Yoon Jeonghan." Jeonghan chuckled and said, "I love you too, Choi Seungcheol!"

They smiled to each other and Seungcheol pulled Jeonghan again into a passionate kiss.


Seungcheol brought Jeonghan to his house while their hands holding together. They both feel so happy.

Before Jeonghan came inside his house, Seungcheol asked him, "Let's have a date again tomorrow?"

"Let me rest, Seungcheol. If you want to see me just visit me here."

"Fine. I'll let you rest. I'm going to visit you whenever I want." Seungcheol smiled, his dimples were shown. Then Jeonghan went closer to Seungcheol and pinched his cheeks, he said. "My boyfriend's dimples are really cute!"

"Your boyfriend? But I'm still not asking you." Seungcheol chuckled

"You don't want to be my boyfriend?" Jeonghan pouted

"Let me ask you first, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Jeonghan chuckled and said, "Of course, Yes. I really love you, Choi Seungcheol."

They both smiled to each other.

"So, uhm. See you again, maybe tomorrow? You should rest now, my pretty angel." Seungcheol said as he caressed Jeonghan's face

"You should rest, too."

"I know." Then Seungcheol pecked Jeonghan's lips. "I'm going now. Good night!" Seungcheol said and waved his hands

"Good night!" Jeonghan waved his hands.

Then he came inside his house with a smiled. His mom saw him smiling and asked with a tease, "How's your date with Seungcheol? It looks like you really had so much fun."

"Eomma! I told you it's not a date."

"Really? But I just saw Seungcheol pecked your lips before you came in."

"H-huh? Mom! How did you...?"

"I was seeking on the window." Mrs. Yoon chuckled

"Eom-eomma! It's nothing. Please forget it..."

"Aigoo! My son is very cute. You should go to your room now and rest." Mrs. Yoon said as she pinched Jeonghan's cheek. Jeonghan just nodded and went to his bedroom.

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