Chapter 2: First Time

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Seungcheol called Jeonghan to order something.

"Yes?" Jeonghan asked

"Can you please give me one strawberry cheesecake for me? I heard that is the best seller here." Seungcheol said and Jeonghan just nodded

"I finally knew your full name." Seungcheol thought

After a few minutes, Seungcheol's order came.
"Thanks, Yoon Jeonghan!" Seungcheol smiled cutely

"How'd you know my name?" Jeonghan asked curiously

"Your nameplate..." Seungcheol said as he pointed at Jeonghan's nameplate.

"Oh..." Jeonghan just bowed then left

Jeonghan went to the comfort room quickly to see his appearance if it is okay because he felt so different.

"Omo! Why am I blushing? Ya! Yoon Jeonghan! You're a man! A man, okay? Don't be such a stupid guy!" Jeonghan said to himself then he felt his heart beating so fast.

"Huh? What's this? Yaaa! Why are you beating like this? Stop!"

"But that guy... He is handsome. I hope he will not stop going here." He mumbled and smiled then he suddenly remembered "Ya! Yoon Jeonghan! Are you really out of yourself? I said you're a man! A man, okay?" Jeonghan said to himself again while slapping his own pretty face.

Then the 3rd cubicle's door opened. Jeonghan shocked. He thought there is no one inside this comfort room except him.
"Joshua?!" Jeonghan said Jisoo's English name. "I... I thought you're working.."

"Yes, I am. I just changed my shirt. How about you? Why are you talking to yourself?" Jisoo chuckled

"Y-ya! It's nothing. Forget all what you just heard." Jeonghan bit his lower lip in nervousness.

"Okay but before I get back to work; I just want to ask something."

"Go ask me."

"Are you a... gay?"

"Wai-What?! The hell?! Of course, I'm not. What are you asking? Are you crazy? I'm not a gay." Jeonghan pouted

"Ugh. Don't pout!" Jisoo thought

"Alright. Okay! Nevermind. Let's get back to work." Jisoo said and smiled then he left

"Aigoo! I hope Jisoo will forget all what I just said earlier." Jeonghan mumbled

When Jeonghan came out from the comfort room, he already noticed that the guy is nowhere to be seen. Jeonghan pouted. He was about to ask that guy's name but he already left.

Jisoo is cleaning the place where that guy just sat then he noticed a folded pink paper under the table. He picked it up and read:

                        Tomorrow, 3pm
             Infront of the Pledis Academy
                                  To: Jeonghan
                                 From: CSC

"CSC... Choi Seungcheol!" Jisoo mumbled

"What's that?" Jeonghan asked as he stood beside Jisoo

"Uh-Oh! A letter. I think it's for you." Jisoo said as he gave the pink paper to Jeonghan

"From CSC?" Jeonghan asked. "Who's this?"
"Well... Who else? The guy who just sat here, Choi Seungcheol!" Jisoo answered

"Omo! Choi Seungcheol? Is that his real name?" Jeonghan asked


"How'd you know him?" Jeonghan asked curiously

"We're classmates."

"Really? That's why he's always here because his classmate works here." Jeonghan smiled

"No. I don't think it's because of me. It's because of you!"

"Why me?"

"Nevermind." Jisoo said then he left

"Seungcheol... Choi Seungcheol." Jeonghan mumbled

Next day...
Jeonghan came infront of the Pledis Academy at 02:30PM. even though Seungcheol said on the letter was 3PM. He doesn't know why he came early. Maybe because he's excited?

Jeonghan just wear a pink sweater and white pants. And he just bound his blond hair in a white pony tail.
While waiting, Jeonghan looks at the school, Pledis Academy and mumbled "This must be his school." Then his phone vibrated. He took it from his pocket and saw one message from an unknown number.

                    I'm here...

After reading the message, he looked up and saw Seungcheol standing infront of him.

"Seungcheol-ah!" Seungcheol just smiled and went closer to Jeonghan

"What time did you come here?" Seungcheol asked

"02:30PM." Jeonghan answered shyly. He's a bit awkward because this is just their first time to be together.

"You waited for me in 30 minutes. You must be tired. Let's go to the park and sit there for awhile."

"No, it's okay. We can go anywhere now." Jeonghan showed his angelic smile. Seungcheol blushed a bit.

"By the way, you study here?" Jeonghan asked as he pointed the school

"Yeah. How about you? Where are you studying?"

"Honestly, I'm going to start my first day here by next week."

"Really? Sounds good! We'll become classmates." Seungcheol smiled and Jeonghan just nodded

"So... Where are we going now?" Jeonghan asked

"Uhm. Let's go to our restaurant." Seungcheol said

"You own a restaurant?!"

"Not me but my family." Seungcheol chuckled. "Let's go there and I'm going to introduce you to my mom." Seungcheol smiled

"Okay..." Jeonghan said awkwardly

"Don't be shy when you're with me. Starting from now, we're friends. Okay?" Seungcheol smiled and his dimples were shown. Jeonghan just nodded.

"Let's go."

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