[FINAL] Chapter 16: Proposal

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After a few weeks...

Today is Jeonghan and Seungcheol's 6th anniversary of being in a relationship. Seungcheol planned to propose tonight, so he asked his friends for a help. They wished the plan will success.

Jeonghan is just at home right now watching Korean drama at the living room when suddenly someone called him.

"Hello Wonwoo?" He said when he answered the call

"Jeonghan hyung! Where are you?" Wonwoo asked panicking

"I'm at home. Why are you panicking?" Jeonghan asked curiously

"Seungcheol hyung..."

"Why? What's with my Seungcheol?" Jeonghan's heart started to beat in nervousness

"Seungcheol hyung... Is at the..." Wonwoo said with a shaky voice

"Wonwoo yah! Please tell me what happened to Seungcheol! Where are you? Are you with him?"

"Please come here at Taefung Hospital right now! Seungcheol hyung is in accident." Wonwoo finally completed his sentence

"Wai-what?! What the hell just happened to him? Ya! Jeon Wonwoo!"

Then Jeonghan looked at his phone, Wonwoo already hang up. He quickly changed his outfit into a blue V-neck shirt and white pants before going to hospital.

When he reached Taefung Hospital, he asked the nurses where Choi Seungcheol's room is but the nurses said they don't have a patient named Choi Seungcheol.
Jeonghan started to panicked and called one of the boys. He decided to call Joshua because he's the one who he can talk comfortably with.

"Jeonghan-ah! Why are you calling?"

"Where are you? I'm in Taefung hospital right now. Wonwoo just called me, he said Seungcheol is here at this hospital but I asked the nurses they said they don't have a patient named Choi Seungcheol. Can you please tell me what the hell just happened?" Jeonghan said with a shaky voice. Tears started to fall on his cheeks.

"Hey... Are you crying? I'm here at Taefung Hospital, too. Wait for me at the waiting area, okay?" Joshua said calmly then he ended the call

Jeonghan went to the waiting area and waited for Joshua there. Most of the people inside that room are senior citizen. They looked at Jeonghan worriedly then one grandmother sat beside Jeonghan.

"Why are you crying pretty lady?" The grandma asked while caressing Jeonghan's hair

"Halmeoni... Don't call me lady. I'm not a girl." Jeonghan said politely as he wiped his tears

[A/N: Halmeoni(할머니) means grandma.]

"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you're a girl because of your pretty face and long blond hair." The grandma said and chuckled a bit

"It's okay. Many people misunderstand that I'm a girl. But I'm a male, halmeoni."

"Okay... I'm sorry about that."

Then the waiting room's door opened, Jeonghan looked at who just entered. It is Joshua.

"He must be your boyfriend, isn't he?" The halmeoni said and pointed at Joshua

"No, halmeoni. I'm just a friend of his." Joshua said politely

"Oh, I thought you were. I'm sorry about that again." The halmeoni chuckled

"Uhm. Halmeoni, we're going now." Jeonghan stood up and bowed

"Aigoo. Take care! I had fun talking to you." The halmeoni said and smiled. Jeonghan and Joshua just smiled back and left the room.

"Jisoo yah! What the hell just happened?" Jeonghan asked when they got out from the room. Joshua then hold Jeonghan's hand tightly and said, "Follow me and just calm, okay?" Jeonghan just nodded then they used the elevator to get up quickly.

Jeonghan noticed that the elevator stopped at the rooftop.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Then the elevator opened.

Jeonghan saw a lot of decorations at the rooftop.

"What are these?" Jeonghan asked to Joshua curiously

"Just walk." Jeonghan just followed what Joshua said

There are a lot of roses' petals on the floor and three tables. Each table has a bouquet of flowers and picture frames.

Jeonghan looked at the picture frames. It is his pictures with Seungcheol! Tears started to fall on his cheeks. "Did he really prepare this for me?" he mumbled then he saw the banner and read it.

"Yoon Jeonghan, will you marry me?"

Jeonghan smiled at all what he sees at the rooftop. And mumbled, "Yes, Choi Seungcheol." after reading what's written on the banner.

Jeonghan felt someone poke him. He turned around and saw Seungcheol holding a bouquet of flowers.

"How do you like it?" Seungcheol asked

"Seungcheol-ah!" Jeonghan suddenly hugged Seungcheol and sobbed.

"Why are you crying?" Seungcheol asked as he cupped Jeonghan's face and wiped his tears.

"I thought you're really in accident. Do you know how I was so worried about you?" Jeonghan said, still crying.

"I'm sorry about that. But anyways, do you like it?" Seungcheol smiled. His dimples were shown.

"Do you think I would hate it? I really love it, Seungcheol. You really prepared this for me." Jeonghan said and hugged Seungcheol again. Seungcheol pats his back and said, "I'm glad you like it." then Seungcheol gave the bouquet to Jeonghan and Jeonghan took it.

Seungcheol kneeled down and got the box from his pocket and opened it then he asked, "Yoon Jeonghan, will you marry me?"

Before Jeonghan could answer, 13 boys (including Minhyuk), who are watching them, suddenly cheered behind them.

"Woooh! Just get married." Wonwoo yelled

"Ya! Jeon Wonwoo! I like your acting when you called me." Jeonghan said and they all chuckled

"Thanks hyung!"

"Seungcheol hyung is waiting for your answer. Hurry!" Minghao said and chuckled

"Why does he need to know the answer if he already knows the answer?" Jeonghan said and showed his angelic smile. Seungcheol just chuckled and said, "I don't care! I still want to hear your answer."

"I repeat. Yoon Jeonghan, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Choi Seungcheol." Then Seungcheol wears the ring on Jeonghan's finger then he stood up and kissed Jeonghan passionately.

"Oh my gosh!" Seungkwan said

"Seungcheol hyung is very cheesy!" Soonyoung yelled

Jun and Vernon tries to cover the eyes of the innocent maknae, Lee Chan.

"Aigoo! I want to get married, too." Mingyu yelled

"Me, too!" Wonwoo yelled

When Seungcheol stopped the kiss, the boys from behind said "Congratulations!" in unison. Jeonghan and Seungcheol just chuckled to them.

"Congratulations to you! We're going to wait for your wedding day." Minhyuk said and smiled. "Oh, Seungcheol! I'm sorry again for liking and kissing your boyfriend." He added

"It's nothing to me anymore." Seungcheol said

Seungcheol and Jeonghan had fun at the rooftop with their cheerful friends.

"I love you, Choi Seungcheol!"

"I love you, Yoon Jeonghan!"


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