Chapter 8: Sleep Over

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After two months...

Jeonghan and Seungcheol became closer friends than before. Jeonghan accepted Seungcheol's favor to call him 'angel' as his nickname. While Jisoo is always getting jealous because he is Jeonghan's friend but got betrayed since when Jeonghan became closer to Seungcheol, Jeonghan has no time for Jisoo anymore, if he will have, he's just taking little time for Jisoo.

Seungcheol started to work at Cheonsa coffee shop but every Mondays to Wednesdays only. Jeonghan can feel that Jisoo has feelings for him and he also thinks that Seungcheol has feelings, too. He can say that it is true because Seungcheol and Jisoo are being too obvious to Jeonghan.

Today is Friday. Their last subject is Math and their teacher dismissed them early.

"Hey angel!" Seungcheol called as he went to Jeonghan and put his arm on Jeonghan's shoulder

"What is it?" Jeonghan, who just closed his bag's zipper, asked

"Can I sleep over at your house?"

"Why?" Jeonghan asked as he looked at Seungcheol

"My mom will be out in three days for some work. So, I would like to stay at your house for awhile." Seungcheol explained

"How about your restaurant?" Jeonghan asked

"My uncle and my aunt will be in charge there. Don't worry about it." Seungcheol said and smiled. His dimples are shown.

"Aigoo. Fine! How about your house? Who will be there to guard?"

"No one. Don't worry. I'll just lock it."

"You can't do that! What if someone breaks in your house?" Jeonghan asked worriedly

"Why are you so worried? How about sleep over at my house?"

"Uhm. I'm going to tell my mom first." Jeonghan said and smiled cutely

"Sure. Let's go!"

At Yoon family's house...

"Mom! Can I sleep over at Seungcheol's place?" Jeonghan asked his mom who is cooking at the kitchen

"When will you go back?" Mrs. Yoon asked

"Sunday morning."

"Sure, no problem! Just call me if you have a problem." Mrs. Yoon said as she pinched Jeonghan's cheek

"Okay, mom. I'm going to pack my things now." Jeonghan said and his mom nodded

At Choi's house...

"What should we eat for tonight?" Jeonghan asked as he sat down on the sofa in the living room

"There's no food left but I have ice cream here." Seungcheol said as he looked at what's inside his refrigerator

"Let's eat it!" Jeonghan said cutely

Seungcheol got the ice cream and eat it with Jeonghan in the living room. They eat the ice cream while talking about each other happily.

When the container is already empty, Jeonghan asked, "It's empty. Where should I put this?"

"Just leave it there. I'll clean it." Seungcheol said as he pointed on the table beside the sofa. Then Jeonghan put the empty container on the table beside the sofa, and then went back to their topic.

"What's our topic again?" Jeonghan asked

"Uhm. I-" Seungcheol's words were cut off by Jeonghan

"Let's go watch a movie before we go to sleep." Jeonghan suggested

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