Chapter 10: Feelings

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Next day...
I sent a message to Seungcheol, that he doesn't need to pick me up because I can go to school by myself. And I have a reason, I don't want to face him right now. I don't know why. Is it because of what just what happened to us yesterday? Maybe, yes.

I came to school early because I just want to. There are only 15 students inside the classroom when I went it. Some of them are my friends, Hoshi, Dokyeom, Woozi, Wonwoo and Mingyu.

"What's up, Jeonghan? You're early today." Mingyu said

"Nothing. I just want to be early." I said as I sat down on my chair

"Where's Seungcheol-hyung?" Hoshi asked

"Yeah! Where is he? You're always with him every day when you go to school, right?" Wonwoo asked

"Is there something happened?" Woozi asked

"Guys! There's really nothing happened to us. I just want to be early." I answered, becoming annoyed. Really! These guys.

"You sure, huh? If you have a problem with our hyung, we're here to help." Dokyeom said. I just nodded.

Then I saw Jisoo entered the classroom, I greeted him a good morning and he just smiled at me. I went to him and asked, "Can I be your seatmate for today?" I pointed at his seatmate's chair

"Sure but why?" He asked as he sat on his chair

"Nothing. I just want to!" I smiled. "Just for today, Jisoo."

"How about Seungcheol? He doesn't have a seatmate."

"Don't worry about him, Jisoo. Just for today, please?" I said, with a little aegyo.

He just nodded. I got my bag from my seat and transferred beside Jisoo.

"Did you two quarrel?"

"Nothing happened on us, Hong Jisoo." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Your seatmate must be absent. I heard she has a fever." I added

Then I heard the door opened, I looked at who was it. It's Choi Seungcheol. I suddenly looked away and lowered my head.

"Jeonghan's not yet here?" I heard him asked our friends

"He's right there. Beside Jisoo!" I looked at Mingyu, who's pointing at me with a what's-with-you face. Maybe because I'm not on my respective seat.

Seungcheol went and stood beside me and suddenly grabbed my hand and hold it. I think he's mad already and jealous. He said, "Why are you sitting there? That's not your seat." I can see Jisoo looking at Seungcheol's hold on my hand and I can feel he's jealous now.

Jisoo suddenly said to Seungcheol, "Why do you need to hold his hand?" I was a bit startled when he said that. I thought he's just going to shut his mouth.

"Why? You jealous?" Jisoo stood up after Seungcheol asked that

"I'm not jealous! I'm just asking why do you need to hold his hand?"

"What the- because I want to! Why do you care? You don't own him." Seungcheol rolled his eyes. Our classmates started to look at us. What the hell? They should stop now.

"You don't own him, too!"

"Can you please shut up?" I shouted as I stood up but they just ignored me and continue what they're quarreling about.

"We're friends since we were young. I know more about him than you. How about you? You just became friends with him few months ago." Jisoo said

"I know but we kissed already." My eyes widened on what Seungcheol just said. Is this guy crazy? How dare he to say that?

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