Chapter 5: Don't Want You To Get Hurt

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Break time…

Seungcheol went to the comfort room for awhile, while the others are at the canteen. Now, Jeonghan is alone inside the classroom with his other classmates.

Suddenly, two boys slammed the door and came inside the classroom. They stood infront of Jeonghan, then the boy with a brown hair named Wonho said, “You must be the new student.”

Jeonghan just nodded and said, “Yes, why?”

The two boys didn’t say anything after Jeonghan answered. They went closer to Jeonghan and Wonho suddenly gripped Jeonghan’s wrist.

“Ahh.. Aw. Who the hell are you? What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry. We’re your classmates, too. We’re not going to hurt you.” Wonho said as he gripped Jeonghan’s wrist more tight and twisted it a bit

“It… It hurts! Let me go.” Jeonghan said angrily while trying to let go of Wonho’s tight grip

“LET GO OF HIM!” Someone shouted from the back. They looked at who was it, it’s Seungcheol.

“Oh! There you are Choi Seungcheol. Are you Jeonghan’s super hero?” Wonho said as his friend, Hyunwoo chuckled

“Can you just stop, Wonho?” Seungcheol asked annoyingly as he stood beside Jeonghan

“Why do you want us to stop?” Wonho asked

“Why do you keep bullying or hurting new students for no reason?” Seungcheol asked

“That’s what we want. Don’t care about us!” Wonho’s friend, Hyunwoo answered

“Are you going to let go of him or I will tell you to our class adviser?” Seungcheol asked as he grabbed Wonho’s collar

Wonho didn’t answer anything. He just let go of Jeonghan and looked at him from head to toe before leaving with Hyunwoo.

“What else did they do to you?” Seungcheol asked worriedly

“Nothing. He just twisted my wrist. It really hurts! Who the hell are they?” Jeonghan said while touching his wrist in pain

“The boy who gripped your wrist is Wonho. The other boy is Hyunwoo.”

“Oh… Why did they do that to me?” Jeonghan pouted

“They always do that to the new students. They loved bullying or hurting new students! I really don’t know why.”

“Did they… hurt you, too?” Jeonghan asked

“Yes. That was also my first day here. When I was on my way home, they followed me and hurt me.” Seungcheol said and sighed

“Why the teachers don’t kick them out?” “I don’t know. Sometimes, teachers here are really stupid.” Jeonghan just chuckled about what Seungcheol said

“Hey Jeonghan hyung! Have you eaten?” Hoshi asked when he just came in the classroom

“No, thanks. I’m not hungry.” Jeonghan answered then Hoshi saw Jeonghan’s reddened wrist

“Oh! What happened on your wrist?” Hoshi asked as he pointed on Jeonghan’s wrist

“Uhm.. Bec-“

“Wonho did it.” Seungcheol interrupted Jeonghan

“Really? What the hell! It looks like he’s not going to stop.” Hoshi said annoyingly

“Don’t ever think of that. He’ll never change!” Seungcheol said and rolled his eyes

“Oh! By the way, my name is Kwon Soonyoung. Just call me Hoshi.” Hoshi said, trying to change the bad mood of the two especially Seungcheol.

“Ahh. Okay, Hoshi!” Jeonghan smiled

After classes…
Mrs. Choi told Seungcheol to go home immediately because they need to go somewhere urgently. So, Seungcheol told Jeonghan to take care when he got home because he’s alone.

While Jeonghan is on his way home, he felt somebody’s following him. He suddenly remembered Seungcheol’s first day in school. So, he decided to walk faster. But the people who are following him ran and blocked his way.

“You again?” Jeonghan said

“Yes. Why?” Wonho asked

“Can you just leave me alone? I didn’t do anything bad to you. Please don’t hurt me!” Jeonghan begged

“I said we just want to be friends with you. We’re not going to hurt you.” Wonho said playfully while coming closer to Jeonghan but Jeonghan is moving backwards.

“Please just leave.” Jeonghan begged again while he’s getting his phone secretly from his pocket. Planning to call Seungcheol but Hyunwoo saw him.

“Look, Wonho! I think he’s going to call someone and ask for a help.” Hyunwoo said

“No, you can’t! Mr. Yoon Jeonghan!” Wonho said as he grabbed Jeonghan’s hand and gets his phone then he threw it on the ground

“How dare you?!” Jeonghan said then he kicked Wonho’s leg and tries to leave but Hyunwoo caught him quickly and punched him on the face which made Jeonghan fell on the floor.

“STOP!” Jeonghan screamed

“I’m not going to stop! How dare you to hurt my friend?!” Hyunwoo said and kicked Jeonghan’s knee


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