1: I Hear You

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Okay so I know I'll probably only have about three people who will actually read this story, but I wanted to leave a few notes before I start this.

I got the idea for this while listening to Only You by Cartel, hence the title, and even though starting another book is the last thing I should be doing right now, there is a serious lack of Matty and George fanfiction in the world, and I am doing my part to change that.

This is lowkey inspired by the fic Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet by Nacre_Voit on AO3. I seriously adore their works so much, and although I can never write as well as them, they really encouraged me to start this in the hopes that I can produce something half as good as they have one day.

This is a story in which the band exists, and although I did put some real events in this, please remember that this is fiction, so the timeline for certain things will not be accurate, and I am in no way or form trying to pretend that I know everything about The 1975, or that I believe that any of the things which occur in this fic actually happened.

The most important thing I wanted to say is that for some unknown reason, I am going to attempt to write this book in the present tense, mainly because I have been reading on AO3 a lot lately, and a large majority of those fics are written that way, so I wanted to try my hand at it.

This is something I have never done before, and I am sure I will mess up the tenses at one point or another, so please be patient with me and feel free to alert me to any errors if you find them.

Also, I have a vague idea for where this is going, but I have no definite plans regarding how long it will be, or the actual ending, and because of that, the updates will probably be all over the place given the fact that I have a ton of other stories in progress right now, and I don't want them to suffer because of this.

I debated waiting to post this until I had more written or until I finished one of my other books, but I really want to start this, so I apologize in advance for what will probably be a complete lack of a schedule concerning this fic.

I think that is all I have to say for now, so welcome to my first full length Matty/George fic, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am writing it.

The second George steps into his flat, he knows that something is wrong, even before he hears the stuttering sobs coming from the other room.

The alcohol he consumed earlier on in the evening hasn't dulled his senses to the extent that he can't feel the odd disruption in the air, and once the noises hit his ear, he is assured that he isn't being robbed or something else similarly life-threatening, not unless the intruder decided to have an emotional breakdown in the middle of his heist, which although possible, it's highly unlikely that he's in any real danger.

It only takes George until the second expulsion of sound to realize that Matty is here. He would know that particular cry anywhere, and even though he thought Matty had plans for the evening, things have obviously changed while he had been absent.

"Matty - you okay mate?" George calls out worriedly, dropping the box of pizza he managed to snag from Ross' place before hurrying into the main room, his eyes immediately falling onto the outline of his best friend who is currently huddled up on his sofa, one of the throw blankets George never uses tugged over him haphazardly.

"George?" Matty gasps weakly, his bloodshot gaze meeting George's for a brief moment before it's buried into the starchy pillow which George hates but he never got around to throwing away once more.

"Yeah - it's me, I'm right here," George assures Matty, squeezing himself into the free space that hasn't already been consumed by Matty's sprawled out limbs before wrapping his arms around him, pulling the smaller man into his chest as his sobs renew themselves, shaking both of them with their intensity.

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