24: Take Me

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"Have fun?" George asks when Matty finally makes it back to their room.

Matty has no idea what time it is, but it's late, and the fact that George is still up can only mean he was waiting for Matty, which releases a juxtaposition of emotions inside of Matty ranging from touched to irritate.


Matty shrugs out of his thin coat, keeping the lights off while removing his shoes so George won't catch sight of his red eyes and placid expression which he's sure he still carries even though his high is finally beginning to ebb.


Matty tries to decipher if George's short statement holds a deeper meaning, straining his ears for a hint of something, curiosity, maybe even jealousy, but he finds nothing. George's tone is cold and flat, and Matty hates the fact that George seems so cut off from him at the moment.

"What have you been up to?" Matty pries while continuing to undress, stripping down to his boxers since he's too lazy to find some pyjamas to change into.

"Smoked a bit more, watched a film with Ross," George ticks off before appearing to grow bored with his recital, his eyes glittering when he gazes at Matty with lowered lids, "nothing as exciting as you."

"Had me followed then?" Matty teases, trying to rile George up for some unknown reason that he isn't going to bother trying to understand, but if he had to guess, he's probably projecting unknown emotions he didn't know he carried onto his best mate. Maybe it's a hangover from their last spat, or not, Matty doesn't know what he's doing anymore. "Watched me with someone that wasn't you?"

"I don't need to stalk you to tell when you've gotten off," George scoffs, his tone still translating as bored and uncaring even though he sits up slightly on his bed, his spine straight where it rests against the headboard, "seen your face enough times by now to have it memorized."

Matty doesn't remember moving, but somehow he's practically kneeling in George's lap from one second to the next, the bruising pressure of George's lips against his own so much better than kissing Amy had been.

George finally breaks out of his cold facade much to Matty's relief when he digs his fingers into his shoulder and sucks on his bottom lip, a growl leaving George's throat as he flips them over so Matty's trapped against the mattress with George hovering above him.

"It bothers you doesn't it," Matty hisses when George tugs on his hair harshly, forcing him to expose his neck which George immediately attaches his mouth to, "the thought of me with somebody else?" Matty finishes his statement when he can speak again, his chest heaving as he arches into George's touch.

"No," George hums, taking a moment to lick at Matty's skin teasingly. "You can get off with whoever you like, it's just more fun when it's me."

"I'm here now," Matty points out, spreading his legs as wide as they can go in a silent invitation, his body aching for George more than it ever has for a girl. Even with Gemma, who he'd barely been able to keep his hands off of on most days, he hadn't experienced this intense level of unbridled want.

"You are," George hums darkly, his eyes fixated on the outline of Matty's cock which is very apparent through his thin underwear. "Guess she didn't satisfy you."

"Shut up and touch me," Matty groans. He's done playing games, now he just wants the sensations that only George manages to invoke in him.

"How?" George asks as he removes Matty's boxers, his fingers trailing up his perineum before resting lightly on his balls, teasing the sensitive skin with the pad of his thumb as Matty moans softly.

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