38: Love

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Matty does end up attending rehab in the end. It's a posh place that doesn't call itself that, they claim to be a "mental treatment center" but the name doesn't change what it is. He needs it though, as much as he initially didn't want to go.

After George had declared his love for him, it was so tempting to turn to the younger to fix all of his problems, but that was how they had ended up in this situation in the first place, and Matty was finally learning his lessons. He had to help himself instead of depending on everyone around him to hold him together, no matter how willing they were to do just that. Adam and Ross supported his decision, and so did Jamie who already had the place lined up for him as soon as he heard about his overdose.

George understood, of course he did. He's been Matty's rock this entire time. Even though George can't be there in rehab with him, they talk constantly and George facetimes him every night. He'd been sure to pick a place that let him keep his phone simply so he could maintain contact with George.

They're officially together now too - boyfriends - the word still feels odd on Matty's tongue, but he likes being able to call George that. Nothing has really changed besides the title. They had been acting the part for so long it was second nature to the both of them. Matty's much happier now though that he doesn't have to hide that part of himself. He never did really, but he made it more difficult on himself by thinking he had to. He knows he likes boys now though. He hasn't bothered to label himself, but he guesses he's bi - if not pan. It doesn't matter to him either way, not as long as he has George.

He's been clean since Boston as well, rehab just helped him stay that way, but he doesn't feel the urge to use anymore minus a few bouts of isolated cravings. He saw a glimpse of the road he'd been going down, and he doesn't want that for him or the band. He's not going to stop having fun, but he isn't going to let his addictions endanger his future ever again.

Today he's being officially released. He's finished his sixty day stint in rehab, and he's been giving a clean bill of health. As helpful as his time here has been, Matty can't wait to get home, or more accurately, back to George. He misses his touch, his kiss, his everything, and he's more than ready to start their life together properly.

Speak of the devil, George is waiting outside for him. He'd insisted on picking Matty up, not that he'd argued. He wants to see George as soon as possible. He had barely gone a week without him before now, so the past two months have been incredibly trying for the both of them. Matty knows it was necessary though, no matter how unpleasant it was locking himself away from his friends and loved ones.

As soon as Matty spies George leaning against his car, he bolts toward him. George barely has time to open his arms before Matty is barreling into his chest. George wraps himself around Matty in a tight embrace, his hold securing Matty like nothing else can. Despite his best efforts, Matty feels a few tears slip past his closed lids. He's missed this so fucking much, and he can't help but get emotional over their reunion.

"I love you," Matty mumbles into George's t-shirt, the urge to say the words overtaking him since it's been so long since he's been able to say them in person.

"I love you too," George answers, somehow having heard Matty through the material clogging his mouth. "Now let me get you home."

"And some real food. I want a burger," Matty exclaims. "I'm all for eating healthy, but not every single day."

"That's what you get for making me drink those health shakes of yours for a week last year," George laughs.

"Yeah, but that was only a week, not two months! I'm wasting away over here," Matty cries in an over-exaggerated fashion. He's lying of course, he's actually gained a healthy amount of weight now that he'es stopped taking cocaine, but he is tired of kale salads and smoothies which was the normal diet of the rehab patients, along with pudding for dessert if they were lucky.

"I'll get you whatever you want," George grins. "God - I'm so fucking proud of you."

"Oh no, don't get all soppy on me already," Matty teases, although his heart flutters at George's words. His approval has always meant the world to him, and that's one thing that hasn't changed.

"Leave me alone, I missed you okay? And I mean it. It's so good to see you happy again."

"I missed you too," Matty admits. "You'll never get rid of me again."

"Of course I won't, especially not now that we have to get back in the studio. We have loads to record."

Matty grins as George keeps rambling on about his idea for a musical number or something like that while they climb into the car. His smiles stretches across his face so widely it almost hurts. He can't believe that not even three months ago he was at one of the lowest points of his life, and now he's here with the man he loves, about to start on The 1975's next album with a tour in the future as well. His dreams are all coming true, he just had to fall to realize how badly he wanted them - wanted George.

It was always him for Matty, it took him ages to realize that, but now that he has, everything is looking up. He is loved and cared for, and he swears to do the same for George. They are two halves of a whole that have finally lined up, their jagged edges melding together and healing the hurts that they had both previously bore.

It all started with a kiss - an experiment, and look at them now. Sometimes, Matty can't believe he's able to call George his own, but he has plenty of time to get used to that. He can't wait to show him off to the world, and he knows George feels the same way about him.

So this is the end of Only You.

I don't even know what to say. This fanfic has dragged on for far too long, but I love it all the same. I couldn't have finished this without each and everyone one of you, so thank you all for everything.

Hopefully I'll see you in my other stories.

I'm sending you all the love in the world xxxx

- starr

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