10 Ways to Find Your True Soul Purpose

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I've been getting some comments on here from young people about finding their purpose in life so I thought I would post this article I wrote with my husband, Evan, who is a life coach (contact info is below).  According to Parmahansa Yogananda, my guru, your true vocation is what you liked to do from the ages for 6-12.  

I hope this article helps you find your soul purpose.  

Remember to vote and comment and thank you for letting me be of service. I love you all. xoxoxo Mara


The best way to find your soul purpose is to get fired from your job. Well, not exactly, but that is what happened to my husband, Evan. In 2014 he had just been offered a job as the CFO of one of those posh drug and alcohol rehabs in Los Angeles. Thinking this was going to be a great experience, he left his financial analyst position at a small business that he had been in for 8 years and moved on to greener pastures. Evan is in recovery so he felt this was a good move and a way to be of service to his community.

Evan soon realized that this rehab had some morality issues that didn't align with his principles. Then, three months in he got "laid off." Let's face it, he got fired. As we say in recovery, rejection is God's protection and he believed God was protecting him as well as guiding Evan into a new career.

Just a few months before accepting the CFO position, he was researching certificate programs to become a life coach. He always felt that being a life coach was his soul purpose in life and now that he didn't have a 9 to 5 job any longer he could pursue his dream full time.

In addition to being a life coach Evan is also a business coach. His 25 years of business experience as well an MPA from NYU helped prepared him to step into this job/soul purpose. What was most miraculous is that as soon as he pursued being a life coach (he studied under Lisa Haisha) the doors just opened for him. Evan believes that happens when you're doing what you're meant to be doing in life. He quickly got clients and he's seen his client's lives blossom. Evan truly feels that he has a God given talent of helping those lost on their path find their way.

Here are Evan's top ten ways to find your true soul purpose:

1)  Create a vision board

Start gathering those magazines! Cut out photos and words of the things you want in life whether it's spiritual or material things. It's important to visualize what you want and already see yourself having it.

2)  Meditate on your true self purpose; write it down

Take some time in a quiet place, close your eyes and clear your mind. Then meditate on what your true purpose is in life. 

3)  Dare to dream big

Don't be afraid to make your dreams big! Never limit yourself, your abilities and what you can accomplish in life.

4)  Say yes to opportunities – "open your heart"

Start saying yes to opportunities that present themselves to you. Those opportunities are coming up for a reason. Open your heart to what you desire.

5)  Ask what is important to you

What is most important to you, to be helpful to others or to be creative? What gets you out of bed in the morning and most importantly, what makes you happy?

6)  Identify the passion; "What gives you a bump in your step" Puts a smile in heart

We all have passions that give us that heart pounding bump in our chests when we're doing something we're passionate about.

7)  Identify your role models.

Identify the people you admire and list those individual's attributes, qualities and talents. These same attributes are also inside you.

8)  Remove the negative voices in your head and replace them with positive affirmations.

Write out positive affirmations to counter the negative voices that take up residence inside your head. Positively affirm each day your true soul purpose. Post positive affirming statements around your home as reminders

9)  Get a support group and surround yourself with positive people

Surrounding yourself with a positive support group increases your success in finding your true soul purpose. Supportive friends, family, colleagues, mentors, etc. act as your solid communication network on your soul purpose journey.

10)  Get a sponsor/Hire a Life Coach/Get into therapy

A sponsor, coach or therapist will be your cheerleader and support to uncover your true soul purpose. They will guide you every step of the way on your journey to being happy, joyous and free.

Evan Jay. – Bio

Evan Jay is a business and life coach. He has over 25 years of business experience both in the public and private sector and he has an MPA from New York University. After getting laid off from his CFO position he decided to pursue what his heart desired, to be a coach. Evan started his own life coaching business called, Soul Systems Coaching (soulsytemscoaching.com).

Evan successfully coaches his clients with creating their own businesses/empires, discovering their true authentic selves and assisting his clients with finding their bliss. If you're looking for a compassionate, business savvy coach so that you can make the most out of your life and business please contact him through his website – soulsystemcoaching.com or email: soulsystemscoach@gmail.com.

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