Marianne Williamson for Congress: Will It Take a Miracle For Her To Win?

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Hey everyone.  I conducted this interview with Marianne Williamson when she was running for Congress. It was one of the highlights of my journalism career.  She is one of heroes.  I did the interview for The Huffington Post, Politics Section.  This was my first ever political interview, but not my first interview.

Hope you enjoy and find the article as well as Marianne inspiring (even though she didn't win).  And I will say that I expect miracles in my daily life because they happen all the time.  I would expect them in your lives too but you gotta believe in them first.  Please vote and comment.




The definition of a miracle is when the seemingly impossible becomes possible. One could say it was a miracle that Henry Waxman decided to retire thus making Marianne Williamson a much stronger contender for his vacated 33rd District congressional seat.

Marianne Williamson knows a thing or two about miracles considering her lectures/teachings are based on a set of books named, A Course In Miracles. I interviewed Marianne Williamson recently to discuss her bid for Congress.

For those of you not familiar with Marianne, she is a teacher, lecturer and writer of all things spiritual. Six of her books have been on The New York Times' Best Sellers List. Oprah is a big fan of Marianne as she has appeared on many of Oprah's shows.

Her announcement that she would be running for Congress took people by surprise. It seemed to me like it was something she was compelled to do. "I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't feel a deep inner call. I also think that we are all called to which would make us most useful in the world," she told me.

I believe Marianne would be extremely useful in the political realm that seems full of religion but bereft of spirituality. I asked Marianne if she believes that politics is in a spiritual crisis. She said, "Politics is in a crisis because it's separated from our deep humanity. "

Jim Wallis, in his book, On God's Side, writes about politics being separated from humanity. He talks about politics being more concerned about power than the powerless. Marianne has been helping the powerless for some time. She provided meals for those living with AIDS and serious illnesses

In Marianne's book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, she said. "In the absence of love, we began slowly but surely to fall apart." It seems to me that things have fallen apart due to a lack of ethics on the part of our government. Marianne said when she announced her candidacy at the Saban Theatre in Los Angeles, "Politics should not be the least heart-filled thing we do, it should be the most heart-filled thing we do."

Marianne is running as an independent. I asked her why. "I am life-long Democrat and I think of myself as a Democrat in my heart but I have been concerned in the last few years at the direction that the party has taken. JFK said, 'Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.'"

She pointed out to me that independent voices are extremely important to our society and often are the ones that become agents for change. A good example of this would be Martin Luther King Jr.

Because of Marianne's independent/spiritual views it seems many don't take her seriously. News outlets have called her a "new age guru." I asked if that bothered her. She told me, "That phrase is obviously used to diminish and trivialize the thinking of anyone described that way. On the other hand, I think that our culture has progressed enough in the last few decades that most people can see through the ruse. "

One group who sees right through the ruse would be Hollywood. Alanis Morissette performed at Marianne's announcement for her candidacy for Congress. Nancy Moonves opened her home to an event hosted by actress Marcia Cross and actress Frances Fisher. Hollywood heavyweights such as writer Diane English and composer Diane Warren were in attendance. Jason Mraz, a Grammy winning singer/songwriter performed at a fundraiser for her campaign.

Why do you think Hollywood is so behind you? I asked. "This is a very creative part of the country, many artists live here, and artists by definition look at the world through more expanded lenses. Whatever support I have in this area is from people who simply see the world as I do." She told me.

I see Marianne Williamson's message equally as simple and important as the one John Lennon expressed in his song, "Imagine." In my opinion, John Lennon's song "Imagine," was a universal call to the world that healing and change must occur. We were asked to imagine a world where there was no religious, material or political division.

I believe that by running for Congress Marianne is calling for a change and healing to our American political system. I feel that she imagines an American democracy without any division that seeks to serve the greater good. Some say that it would be a miracle if Marianne wins the election. I'm not so sure of that. This is a woman well versed in miracles, if anyone could make one happen it would be Marianne

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