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     It was the last day of high school.  I was officially done with the public school system and free to do whatever the hell I wanted!  I walked to my locker with my best friend Hannah, to clean it out before turning my back on this place forever.

     "Hey, Mila?  What's that?"  Hannah asked pointing to a piece of paper taped to my locker door.

     "I don't know."  I removed the paper and stared down at it.  It was a piece of pink paper, folded neatly in half, with my name printed on the front.  I opened it, and began to read.

Smiling with your hand

Dying with your touch

Emotions out of control

Gazing into your eyes

Is like looking at the stars

This feeling washes over me

Like a thousand times before

What do I do now?

Where does this go?

Praying that I don't wake up

Like I always do

Before I get my ending

Please someone tell me

How does it end?

And will I ever get my 

Ever after?

It was signed from Darry.  Holy crap!

     Hannah rolled her eyes and grabbed the poem.  "Oh please!"

     I snatched the paper back.  "Excuse me, but I think it is romantic."  I shot her a dirty look.  "Besides, you're just jealous that you didn't get one."  I opened the letter and read the poem again.  I was in heaven.  Darry was a very good looking guy, and he could write poetry!  We shared a similar interest.  I loved to write poems, be they happy, sad, serious or at times very dark.  It was one of the best methods I had to get all of my feelings and frustrations out.

     Hannah shifted her weight to her other foot.  "Hey, Mila, seriously though, what do you know about this guy anyway?  I have never seen him and we have been going to this school for four years now.  Don't you think that one of us would have seen your Mr. Amazing before prom?  She toyed with a strand of her blonde hair.

     I glared at her and sighed.  "Why are you being such a crab all of a sudden?  You don't know every single person that goes to this school.  There is a possibility that we have just never seen him."

     Hannah's attitude softened a little.  "Sorry.  Maybe, he is a transfer this semester or something.  I guess it could happen."

     I leaned against my locker and let my head fall back against the door.  "Well, now that school is over, I guess I will never see him.  I'm leaving in August for that temp job at 604 Records.  God only knows where he will end up after the summer, or where he lives, or much of anything else for that matter."  I sighed, and put the letter to my chest.  "I guess I'll just have to be happy with this."

     Hannah groaned and rolled her eyes once again.  "Drama Queen much?  Jeez, if you want to see the guy, find him.  You'll have all summer to find Mr. Amazing.  So I highly suggest you quit whining about it and get your ass looking!"  She flung her backpack over her shoulder and smiled.  "I suggest we start at the beach."

     I could feel a slow smile spreading across my face.  "The beach, huh?  Yeah, I guess we could do that."  With that being said, Hannah linked her arm through mine and we walked towards the large, main entrance of our high school.  We paused briefly outside to say goodbye to our teen years.  Life was changing hard and fast.  We were no longer kids.  We were changing into adults.  We watched as other students filed out.  Some were hugging and laughing, while others were crying and saying goodbyes.  I glanced over at Hannah.  She wore a curious expression on her face.

     "You okay Han?"  I asked.

     She just smiled.  "Yeah.  Just thinking how odd it will be, moving and starting all over at the bottom again."  She flipped her hair over her shoulder and laughed, her eyes alight with excitement.  "Come on, let's go!"

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