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     The sound of the shower running woke my up out of a deep sleep.  I glanced at the clock on my night table.  I was almost eight thirty.  I groaned and rolled over.  It felt far too early to get up.  I snuggled down deep in the covers and closed my eyes once more.

     A muffled buzzing sound caused me to once again open my eyes.  It sounded like a cell phone set to vibrate.  I climbed out of bed and paused, once again listening for the sound.  It seemed to be coming from Darry's side of the bed.  I walked around and looked under the bed.  There, lying on the floor next to an unwashed shirt, was Darry's cell phone.  I smiled to myself.  He was going to be so happy that I had found it.  I flipped it over and saw that the light signaling a text message was flashing.  Normally I would never have thought twice about it.  I had no reason to go through his phone, but there was a nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me to just take one teeny, tiny look.

     I found myself looking around my empty apartment, as if to make sure that I would not be caught.  I knew that it was snooping, but I wanted to know who had sent it.  Okay, not my finest hour, I'll admit that, but he had been acting so strange lately.  Maybe this would give me a little insight.  I sat down on the edge of my bed with his phone in my hands.  I knew that if I read it, that I could potentially be getting myself into a whole lot of trouble.  Not only was I invading his privacy, but I was acting like a jealous girlfriend.  I paused for a moment, then I read it anyway.

These last few months have been amazing.  I can't wait to see you again baby.  I miss you.  But next time, be rid of her.  XOXOXOXO

     The text came from a girl named Shanna.

     My blood boiled.  So this was why Darry was blowing me off so frequently.  He had himself another girlfriend.  And Shanna?  Who the hell was Shanna?  Sounded like a stripper name to me.  A flash of the girl in the Devil costume popped into my mind.  Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized what had just happened.  Was it really better to know, or to be made a fool of?  Knowing what he did left me with no choice but to leave him.  My heart was breaking.  I had put everything into our relationship.  He was my first love.  He promised me the world and told me that he would never hurt me.  He swore that he loved me and that we would be together forever.

     I guess that he never counted on the part where I would actually find out that he was cheating on me.  Forever my ass.

     Fury was slowly replacing the sorrow that I had felt.  I threw his phone across the room and it slammed against the wall.  I heard a crack and only hoped that I had broken it.  I grabbed the red lava lamp that he had given me, only a few weeks ago, and hurled it against the exposed brick wall.  It exploded in a mass of glass and goo.  The red blobs dripped from the wall onto my hardwood floor.  I stared at it as it oozed into the cracks of the hardwood leaving a blood like mess.  

     I stalked across the room to pick up his phone.  The screen was indeed cracked, but it appeared to be in working order.  I squeezed it so hand in my hand that it began cutting in.  I stormed towards the bathroom door.  I could hear the steady stream of water falling as I approached.  I threw open the bathroom door, and stomped inside.  Darry jumped at the sound of the door slamming against the wall.  His eyes were wide with surprise.  I stared at him coldly.  He pulled the sliding glass door to one side.  Water dripped from his dark brown hair and cascaded onto the ceramic tile floor below.

     "Mila?  What the..."  His voice trailed off as he regarded my face.

     I threw a towel at him.  "Get dressed."

     He tilted his head to one side, not yet understanding what was going on.

     "Darry, it's over."

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