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     Tears ran down my cheeks.  I glanced over my shoulder at Mike's body.  Only, Mike's body was gone!  I looked back at Darry quickly, so that he wouldn't suspect anything.  Thankfully, he was too busy scoping out the area to be paying attention to what I was looking at.

     Where on earth was he?  He was dead!  Dead people don't just get up and walk away, do they?  Random zombie movie scenes started running though my mind.  Okay, it was official.  I was losing it.

     I bit my bottom lip.  I was sure that Mike was dead.  At least, I thought he was.  I was really upset and crying so hard that I guess it was possible that I messed up.  I listened for breath sounds, but I never actually felt for a pulse.  I felt both incredibly relieved and horribly stupid.  But wait, if Mike was alive, where the hell did he go?

     Darry yanked me from my thoughts, by dragging me by the arm behind him towards his car.  He threw me roughly to the ground at the rear of the car.  He opened the trunk and started rummaging inside.

     I jumped to my feet and started running towards the trees.  My only thought was of escape.  If I could get into the forest, then maybe I had a chance of escaping.

     "Not so fast."  A strong pair of hands grabbed me and thew me back onto the ground.  "Did you really think that I would just let you get away that easily?  Come on now, you're not even trying.  I'm disappointed."

     My eyes narrowed into slits as I glared at him.  A length of rope was clenched in his left hand.  I groaned because I knew what was coming next.  He grabbed both my hands, pulling them behind my back, and pushed my face into the dirt.  He bound my hands tightly and then hoisted me to my feet.

     "Let's try this again now, shall we?"  He half walked, half dragged me back to the car.  He threw me back to the ground and resumed his search in the trunk.

     I was getting very nervous.  What was going to happen now?  Was he planning on killing me and dumping my body in the woods?  My eyes darted around, looking for another escape route.  There had to be something.  I heard a faint rustling sound coming from beside Darry's car.  I leaned as far as I could to try and get a look at what was over there, at the same time trying to not attract too much attention to myself.  Quick as a flash, the trunk lid came down, slamming on Darry's arm.  There was a sickening crack and He let out a blood curdling scream. 

     "Son of a fucking b-" his rant was cut off and Mike appeared behind him and wrapped his belt around Darry's throat.  Mike pulled as hard as he could, strangling him.  Darry's eyes bulged and his face turned a sickening shade of purple.  Finally his eyes rolled up into his head, and his breathing stopped.  After another couple silent minute, Mike finally let go of the belt and let Darry's body fall to the ground.  I stood rooted to the spot.  Holy shit.

     Mike sighed heavily and swayed on his feet.  He leaned over and opened the trunk wide and reached inside.  With a grim expression he retrieved what Darry had been so intent on finding.  An eight inch hunting knife was clasped firmly in his hand.

     My breath caught in my throat at the thought of what could have happened to me.  Mike started towards me.  He was cover head to toe in blood and dirt but he was definitely not dead. Or a zombie.  Yup, I was losing it for sure.

     "Mike! Oh my god Mike!  You're alive!"  He made quick work of the ropes and helped me to my feet.  I threw my arms around him and held him tight.  He hugged me back

     "I told you that I would take care of you, didn't I Mila?  You didn't think I would let a little thing like dying get in the way of that, now did you?"  He winked at me.  Pain was clearly visible, but he put up a brave front.

     I released my hold of him and turned my attention back to Darry.  "Do you think he is really dead?"  I whispered, as if saying it out loud might wake him up or something.  "Cause, I'm not very good at telling."

     "I don't think we have to worry about it one was or another.  Listen."  The sounds of police sirens filled the air.

     I smiled briefly.  It felt as though a giant weight had been lifted off of my chest.  I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.  Finally, one way or another it was over.  Mike took my hand in his and together we walked, blood covered hand in blood covered hand, to await the arrival of the approaching police cars.

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