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Mila's Point of View

     The hospital room was cold and unfriendly.  The florescent lights were killing my eyes.  My head was pounding.  How long was I going to have to wait to get some damn Advil?  The entire room was white tile and sterile.  I sat on the edge of the examination table.  I had to wear one of those examination gowns.  Gowns, ha!  They should call them butt display cases.  I was freezing and this stupid gown was all I had to cover myself with.  All of my modestly and privacy had been stripped away.  It was bad enough what Darry had done to me, but to then have to endure the nurses and doctor examining me and preforming a "Rape kit".  I felt humiliated.  

     I was in so much pain.  Where the hell was the nurse with my Advil?  Every part of my body hurt.  My muscles were tightening up.  Muscles that I didn't even know I had hurt.  All I wanted, besides some pain relief, was for this all to be over with so that I could go home.

     Mike had been put in an exam room down the hall.  I was scared for him.  He had lost a lot of blood and had been knocked unconscious.  A concussion was a given.  How much blood could a person lose before they needed a transfusion?  

     A soft knock came to the door as it slowly opened.  Mike filled the doorway, looking as nervous as I felt uncomfortable.  My lip trembled at the sight of him.  I bit it in a vain attempt to quiet the quiver.

     "Can I come in?"  He asked softly.

     I nodded and held my arms out to him.  Tears filled my eyes again.  I was so relieved to see him up and walking around, but he looked rough.  Bruises trickled out from under the bandages.  He right eye was pretty swollen.  

     He pointed to the bandages on his head.  "Twenty two stitches to close that bad boy."

    I closed my eyes and shuddered.  An image of Mike lying bleeding on the ground danced in my mind.

     Mike hugged me carefully, as not to hurt me.  He hopped up on the edge of the bed beside me, and let his shoulder rest against mine.  Tears slipped from my eyes.  Mike wrapped an arm around me and held me as I cried.  I was so tired.  All I wanted to do was go home and take a long hot shower and then go to sleep.  Maybe when I woke up I would find that this had all just been some kind of horrible nightmare.

     "I called Josh.  He should be here soon."

     "I thought Brennan was going to?"  

     "You and me both.  I don't know what happened there.  But, it doesn't matter, Josh is on his way now regardless."

     I pulled away from Mike and looked up at him.  "How am I going to tell him?"  I shook my head from side to side.  "I don't even want to admit it to myself, let alone anyone else."

     Mike took my hand in his own.  "I'll be here with you if you want.  You don't have to do this alone."

     "Mila!"  Josh stood in the doorway of my room with Matt and Ian behind him.  He strode across the floor and threw his arms around me.  "What happened?  My god!  Look at you."  Josh looked over at Mike, who had hopped off the bed.  "The both of you.  What the fuck?"

     "There was an accident.  Darry is dead."  Mike said simply.

     Josh's features drew up into a look of utter confusion.  "Darry?  What do you mean?  What accident?  What, did he run you two over?"  

     I sighed heavily.  I really didn't want to go over this again tonight.  I had already recounted the events to the police, the nurse, another nurse and the doctor.  I just wanted to go to bed and turn the world off for awhile.

     I took a deep and steadying breath.  "After I left your house and was walking home, I heard someone call my name.  It was creepy.  I didn't see anyone, but then it happened again.  I ran.  I tripped and fell and the person who was chasing me turned out to be Darry.  He was completely drunk and raving mad.  He beat me up and drug me onto the jogging trail.  He..."  My voice trailed off.  I looked up into Josh's big blue eyes.  "He raped me."

     Josh looked like someone had punched him in the stomach.  So many emotions flitted across his face.  "He what?"  His voice came out as nothing more than a whisper.

     "There's more."  I hurried on with the recount, not wanting to say it again.  "I tried to fight him off.  I screamed!  I tried everything but he was too strong."

     "I was on my way to your place when I heard her screaming.  I saw Darry on top of her.  If I had just been there sooner..."

     "Mike saved me.  He ran Darry off.  He carried my to Brennan's house and took his car.  He was supposed to call you and tell you to meet us here."

     A pained expression crossed Josh's face.  "We were practicing.  I never heard my phone until Mike called.  Fuck!  I am so sorry!"  His eyes filled with remorse.

     I squeezed his hands tight.  "We were on our way to the hospital when Darry ran us off the road.  We rolled over and then hit a telephone pole.  Darry crashed into Mike's side of the car.  I thought he was dead."  Tears slipped from my eyes.  "Darry tied me up.  He was going to kill me.  Mike strangled Darry.  It was in self defense.  He would have killed both of us, I am sure of it."  Tears streamed down my cheeks and I hiccuped a sob.  "I am so tired and sore and I just want to go home."

     Josh turned to Mike with tears in his eyes.  "Man..... Thank you."

     Mike nodded and they hugged.  I gave Mike a weak smile.  Saying thank you just didn't seem like enough.  How do you properly thank someone for saving your life?  I don't think you really can.

     Mike nodded back at me by way of response.

     At that moment, the nurse popped her head in and looked surprised.  "Sorry, hunny.  We are swamped and it took me a little longer to get your pain meds.  I reached out my hand to take the Advil.  The nurse smiled at me, and pulled out a needle of Morphine.  "Oh no hunny, you get the good stuff."  

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