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     Josh's Point of View

"Hello?"  I yelled into the phone.  Practice was still going on and the guys were not stopping just because the phone rang.

      "Josh?!  Hey man, it's Mike.  Listen, I need you to get to Lion's Gate Hospital right now.  I'm here with Mila."

     "Mike?  What?  Hey guys, shut the fuck up for a minute!  Mike?  What the hell did you just say?"  My heart pounded in my chest.  The guys stopped playing as listened as I put the phone on speaker.

     Mike sighed.  "Lion's Gate Hospital.  I need you to get here now.  It's Mila."

     My mouth went dry.  "Is she okay?  What the fuck?  Yeah, okay.  I'm on my way."  I hung up the phone and looked at Matt and Ian.  They both wore identical looks of shock.  

     "Do you want me to drive you?"  Ian asked, laying his drum sticks down and standing up.  

     I nodded as I grabbed my jacket.  "Sure, yeah."  I looked over at Matt.  "You coming?"

     He nodded.  "Sure.  I wonder what's going on?"

     I shook my head.  "No fucking clue.  But, that explains where Mike is, and why he wasn't answering his phone."  My heart beat like a bass drum.  

     Matt and Ian pulled on their jackets and shoes.  I pat Bennie on the head quickly.  "Be right back girl."  I turned off the light and locked the door behind us.

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