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     Mike and I sat in the doctor's office awaiting the long anticipated DNA results.  Neither of us spoke.  We really didn't need to.  It all seemed so pointless now.  We needed to be there for each other, no matter what the results.

     "Josh, Mike?"  The doctor poked his head out of the office and motioned for us to join him in the small room.  We both rose silently and followed him inside.  After sitting down, the doctor turned his attention to the folder that he had placed on the desk.  He pulled out three sheets of paper and handed one to each of us.  I held my breath.  It all came down to this moment.  Months of anticipation and heartache.  

     I let out a shaky breath and read the paper that I was holding.

     Josh Ramsay 100% DNA match to male baby.  Mike Ayley 0% Match to male baby.

     Tears sprung into my eyes.  I was happy, yet sad at the same time.  Here I was a new father.  I should have been starting out my new life with Mila and our son.  But instead, I was left a single father to mourn the loss of his mother.  I looked over at Mike to try and see his reaction.  He turned to me and smiled.

     "I knew all along that it was you.  It had to be.  She loved you more than anything.  All we were, were friends who made a mistake.  You two were always meant to be.  You just got a little lost along the way."  Mike smiled a sad smile.

     I reached over and hugged Mike.  He was one of my best friends and that would never change.  We were family.  I turned to the doctor and shook his hand.  We said our thank yous and left the office.

     On the way home the realization of the situation hit me.  I had to pull over my car for a moment.  Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I sobbed.  In three days I had to bury the love of my life.  The mother of my child.  She never got the chance to see his tiny face or hear him cry.  All of these thoughts seemed to overwhelm me.  I decided to go back to my mother's house for awhile until I could get myself together.

     I took a deep breath, and started the trip to mom's.


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