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Ok hold up rewind!


That's not exactly what happened. That was Justin's side of the story.

He still didn't come to get me yet.

Let me start from here.

(Carmen's pov)

After Jason had left the room, I sat here, in silence. My face stung from that 'wonderful', 'non abusing' slap he gave me. Morgan actually did leave angry at Jason, AND I'm guessing their officially, O.V.E.R OVER! Hey, that bitch deserved it.

It's literally been three hours, Justin is STILL not here. I've even fell to sleep a couple of times! Besides, I was on a bed, so what do you expect?

Finally! I heard a couple of crashes, and thuds, coming from down the stairs. My head popped up, and looked around the dirty, old room.

My heart raced questioning what's going in down there. The circus went on for five minutes till, there was no sound. Footsteps surrounded my ears. I could tell someone was coming. My eyes glued to the door, as the doorknob started turning.

The door creaked open slowly, as I sat there staring at that door. The door swung wide open. I jumped in fear. "Oh, My god. Justin." I inhaled heavily and exhaled, he smiled and came running to me, realizing the chains. Before I could say anything else, Jason came sneaking up behind him. "Justin!!" I yelled, as Justin turned around to see Jason.

Jason lunged to Justin, but he dogged right on time. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping Jason hit a wall or something while lunging. All I could see was darkness. I could hear thuds, and crashes. I opened my eyes to see a bruised Justin on the floor, and a bruised Jason kicking him. Justin looked helpless lying there.

"STOP!!!" I can't bare to watch him get kicked, it could ruin his career. Noticing his black eye, I try to squirm out of the tight chains. My hand glides through the chains, and I find one loose chain that Justin probably loosened before he'd gotten attacked.

I violently tugged on it, as I watched Justin jump back made an uppercut to the chin. The chains fell off. Wow, really? I wiggled out of the rest of the chains and hopped up. Jason laid there in the floor. His legs were wide open, Justin swung his leg back, ready to kick him, but instead, I pushed Justin out if the way and kicked him right in his marbles.


Haha. Hey. This chapter was so FREAKING SHORT! I know. I'm sorry. :( next chapter, I will do what ever I can to make the next chapter longer. I'm just really busy today, so I wanted to make this chapter fast. But, your lucky I even made a chapter for you guys! :T luv youz guyz! -1Dinfection365 :P

Silently Damaged *Justin Beiber fan fic*Where stories live. Discover now