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My chest rising up and down, Jason's hand decreasing. His hand immediately moved to my shoulder. I jumped and squeezed my eyes shut as he squeezed my shoulder, hard.

"Oww! Jason!" I slowly opened my mouth about to scream, but he released my shoulder and relaxed. I opened my eyes. He exhaled and backed away from me, as I slid down and held me knees.

"Um, listen. Carmen. I'm really sorry." I slowly got up in the middle of his apology and felt for the door. I glued my back against the wall and quickly, made I dash for it out of the room.


3:48 AM Friday morning
June 28th 2013

I could not take my eyes off my door. I've been planning to brake into Jason's room and look through his texts... Mostly like eavesdropping. I have to look! Because I want to know what's going on with Jason. He's my boyfriend, I have to know. The bed creaked as I sat up and hopped out if bed, trying to be very silent. Making sure he doesn't hear me.

I opened the door to my room and tip-toed out. Every step I took, I was regretting.

I had the Mission Impossible theme song in my head the whole time. I reached the door and stared at the door knob. I huffed silently and closed my eyes as I threw my head back, and thought to myself; Should I really do this?? I mean, Jason hurt me, I dont think i should. but, he is my boyfriend, and girls have to know what's going on with their guys once in a while... Right?

I opened my eyes and looked down both dark halls, dark at night as always. I looked back at the door knob hoping it would open by itself. But duh, im not stupid!

My hand clutched the doorknob turned it as I walked in. I left the door cracked so i can make a quick escape. Looking around the room, I can barely see anyhting. But the only thing I see, is Jason sleeping soundly.

Everything was pitch black, but there was a little ray of moon light shining on Jason's adorable face. I heard a small buzzing coming from his nightstand. My eyes swepted over to the light on his stand, and tip-toed over to it and picked it up.

"Mmm. Morgan..." Jason moaned, and turned over. MORGAN!? WHO THE FUCK IS MORGAN!?

I need to read these.

I slid down and hugged my knees as I turned on his phone and read his texts.



Jason: Hey babe, I had a great time at your place tonight. ;) Same time tomorrow?

Morgan: I had a great time too pouchie. ;P I'd love to! How about your place next time? I would really love to see your 'mancave' instead of always coming to mine. ;(

Jason: I..Cant. My home is too messy, and I'm to embarassed to show it to you. It's that messy I cant get it done before tomorrow night. Sorry. D:


I looked around the room, very confused. No mess... Hm. That explains a lot.


Morgan: Awh... Ok. I guess my place again. Ok babe. Love you!

Jason: Love you too baby! ;) Goodnight.


The next text really upset me more.


Morgan: Oh! One more question till i go?

Jason: Sure why not?

Morgan: Are you sure your not seeing any one else? Like, theres no other girl?

Jason: Yeah! Im totally alone, babe. Nobody else. Your my only love.


Tears filled my eyes. I cant believe he said that! Now I know exactly what's going on. Jason is cheating on me. I knew it.

I turned off his phone and set it back on the nightstand.

I ran out of the room into mine, as tears flow out of my eyes, I finally realized, I have been cheated on.

I found the ring, Jason gave me for my birthday present. I forced it off and threw it across the room in frustration. I ran to my bed and cried myself to sleep. Why is he doing this to me!?


Hello my Belieber's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New book! excited! Lol -Lolli_pop12 ;3

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