
699 8 3







A.K.A 1Dinfection365


So please go read it!!!


Im really excited about it!






~1Dinfection365 (/ * .*)/

~Carmen's pov~

A loud crash disturbs our moment.


I know that voice...

It can't be...

My heart beats rapidly. I push Justin off of me and jump out of bed running right out the room scared as shit right now. My eyes widen.

I can't believe it...

It's him...

His gaze meets mine as a devilish smirk appears on his face. I both hands on my mouth as my eyes well up with tears. Running back into the room, Justin was just on his way out, when I bumped right into him. He caught me and held me closely to his chest as he tried to keep me calm. But it failed. My chest was uncontrollably rising up and down. Justin inches out the door with me in his arms to see who it is. I cry into his chest and squeeze my eyes shut.

Tear drops fall onto his shirt. "Save me please Justin! M-Make him go away!" My voice cracks as my face buries into his chest. Next thing I know Justin's hands were pried off of me. I open my eyes and find Justin getting beat up. Soon enough, Justin was no match for Jason. Jason's figure walked to me as I back away. "H-how did you find me!?" I keep backing away as far as I can from Jason. Justin's room is so big, it feels like I'm backing up forever. "Oh, I just listened to the sound of utter betrayal and followed that."

He got that from a fucking movie...

"I betrayed you!? No! You betrayed me!!" I yell at him, stopping in my tracks. Jason and I are face-to-face. Struggling to look into his eyes, I study the darkness in them. He's completely shaded. They're literally gray. "Wrong you are princess." Not even looking in my eyes within a minute, he looks down at the floor. His words are like a slap, bringing me back to reality.
God I wanna cut so bad... And cut his head off...
Next thing I knew my feet were off the ground. My body is hanging upside down. He picks up one of Justin's arms and drags his helpless body, outside right to his van. Once Jason threw Justin in his van, Jason shoved something down my throat. Like a small pill, or a drug. I don't even try to fight. What's the point? My head begins to spin. Darkness surrounds me for the second time...

I awake, hearing painful screams around me. All of a sudden, I feel very light weight. Each screech gets sadder and painful every time. It sounds like someone is getting beaten. Or whipped. Standing to my feet and rubbing my eyes, it suddenly feels like; a hundred pound weight is weighing me down. My stomach spins like a tornado on the inside of me. I run out the room and find the bathroom, throwing up in the sink. Why do I feel this way? The sounds around me stop suddenly. A hand was placed on my back. I jump and look up in the mirror finding Jason rubbing my back. I stand up straight as quick as I can and back away from him. "Don't touch me..." I eye his sweaty hands. You could easily tell they were sweaty. "Suit yourself." He walks out of the bathroom as I begin to hear screams again. I wipe up my vomit with one of his bath towels. Smirking, I put it back where I found it. Still, I've gotta have some fun.

I walk out the bathroom, following the sound of aching screams. The more I get closer, the more I get a migraine. I find the door and open it finding Jason whipping Justin! Justin was chained to the wall, his shirt off, Justin hanging only by his wrists, Justin screaming and sobbing in aching pain. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!??" I run to Justin when Jason stops whipping with the whip.
Where the hell did Jason get a whip anyways?
I run to his side and study the scars on his back. Justin looks down with his forehead to the floor. He paints heavily, as beads of sweat roll down his face and abs, onto the floor. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!!!??" I stand and give him a horrifying frown. I stomp to him as he gives me a jackass, scratch that. Dumbass smirk on his face. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to be tortured with mr. Bieber too?" He chuckled as I went in for a slap. Just to slap him into reality. But he caught my wrist before I could even touch his face. He backs me up against a wall and leaned in close to my ear. "Wanna try that again sweetheart..?" His words echoed through my mind. I tried to pry my wrist away from his grasp as I crumpled my fist and tried pulling away. But failed.

This must be one of my nightmares...

(• . • )

So do you guys think it's a nightmare?

Or could it be real?

I hope you liked this chapter!

Thank you so much for 9.4K

I'm surprised!

Numbers are rising fast!


P.S: happy early Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

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