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Well guys I got rid of those fake chapters.

I feel better though. :)

I think your gonna really like
This chapter ;)

Just sit back, relax, and enjoy
This chapter.



~ 3rd pov ~

His big hands grip the edges of the sink, forcing his eyes upwards to look at himself. The dirty mirror hung up in the dirty jail cell. The sight of him disgusts him. "Keep a hold of yourself Justin..." He whispers to his reflection in the mirror, with his light milky eyes, studying the background behind him.

The walls are dirty and chipped, with dried blood stains. The room seemed dimmed from the lighting in his eyes. Somethings seemed dark, but when up close, they seemed lighter, while the background had dimmed lighting. It'd seem like a solar eclipse to Justin.

He breaths sharply, face breaking it's expressionless mask to send himself a hateful scowl. Cause he knew he had fucked up again. He squeezes his eyes shut tightly, trying to get a grip on himself.

He curls up his hand into a fist, his eyes opening to his his reflection and this time it's enough him to pull his fist back and send it flying into the mirror. A tear shows, riding down his dirty cheek and onto the orange suit. He feels glass shatter and break beneath his fingers. Cutting and distorting his image with jagged lines. His reflection cracked, pieces of the mirror fall to the floor.

Blood dripping down his fingers. Finally his eyes were normally brown again. He brings his hand upwards to observe it. One hand grabbing his wrist, before his back hits the wall behind him. He let's his body slide down the wall, letting his bottom hit the floor. With a loud thud. Eyes slipping closed.

Why can't you control this...?

Head drooping forward to rest on his curled up knees as though in defeat. Hugging his knees, burring his head between his knees. He knows he can't control this type of strange power.

I can't control it...

I can't control it...

I can't control it...

Get a hold of yourself...

Can't control it...

It's overcome me...

That thought on replay in my mind.

I've been defeated....


I hope you liked this chapter.

I did.

I got to go to bed.

Night :)


Silently Damaged *Justin Beiber fan fic*Where stories live. Discover now