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(Carmen's pov)

"Let me go you piece of shit!!" I screamed trying to fight back as Justin drags me to the front door. He was too strong for me. Your ugly... Stupid...

He opens the door revealing three frightened men standing in the doorway. Justin pulls me close to him and slowly tightens his grip. He raises my arm up high, way behind my head, so if I dropped the knife it wouldn't stab both of us. Keep fighting Carmen! "Carmen!!" Justin yells as he grits his teeth. It practically scared the crap out of me..! I pause as the whole house slowly silences. "Drop! The knife."

Don't you dare listen to him... He stares me straight in the eyes. His chocolate brown eyes.... Whoo! Don't Carmen! Don't even try! "Drop. The knife." I begin to loosen up. I stare right back into Justin's beautiful eyes. Do what he says. The good side of me is fighting my bad side. I loosen my grip on the knife. Don't you dare!! I drop the knife with attitude as it lands behind me with a thud.

Justin smiles slightly and brings my hand down to my side again. Still holding me close to his warm body. What is wrong with you...?

"Now let me go..." I look away from Justin's eyes, embarrassed. He unwraps his arm around my waist as I walk over to the couch with my arms crossed. I sit on the couch and stare at my feet. I let out a long sigh as I tilt my head back and listen to the conversation Justin is having with the guys.

"I see what you mean..." Harry says.

"Just watch her please? Keep her away from any sharp things..." Justin's voice cracks as he runs up the steps.

Leaving me alone with Harry, Niall, and Zayn. Harry walks to the couch and sits next to me. While the rest of the boys sit far away from me and Harry. The only thing that was going on in my head was: your gonna probably get the "d" tonight...

While the other side was saying: no your not! Start thinking positive. You need a break from trying to cut.

All three of them stared at me. As Harry placed a hand on my shoulder. "Listen-"
"Just... Get away from me." Was all I could think of saying. I arose from the couch and ran upstairs. My head aching as I climbed to Justin's room.

I opened the door to his room not noticing Justin literally naked. I find my way to his bed. "U-um...?"

I slowly look up. Finally noticing Justin by his closet. No towel, no underwear, no shirt. Nothing on. "Oh my god!" I immediately stand startled and stumble backward onto the floor.

He stands there chuckling with his legs wide open. "I-I'm so sorry! I-" Blushing, my voice cracks as I stare wide eyed at his dick. Then back at his face. "Your fine!" He chuckles. I put my hands over my face. "Carmen!" He chuckles. "It's ok."
I shake my head refusing to look at him again. "Really?" He says with a tone of sarcasm in his voice. I hesitantly nod.

Still blushing, I awkwardly stand on my own two feet. "There. I put on some boxers." I could feel him rolling his eyes. I uncover and stare at him. He gets some black baggy pants and puts them on. Along with a plain white T-shirt. He puts on a silver chained necklace as a watch him run back and forth. Along with a silver chained bracelet. He rushes to his bathroom. "Why aren't you down there with Harry and the others?" He asks grabbing my wrist and drags me out the door. The only thing I did was shrug. I didn't want to tell him what was going on inside my mind...

Justin let's me go at the bottom of the stairs. He walked into to the kitchen. Leaving me alone. Again! With Harry and the others. I just stood there staring at them. They all stared back. Stop staring at me... The evil side of me was slowly coming back.

I just want to pull out all my hair in my head.

Justin came running out of the kitchen he grabbed his suitcase and opened the door. "Bye guys! Carmen, behave!" Justin looked back and winked at me.

He left me... He left me alone... With. Harry.

This will be interesting...


Yay. Sorry. I haven't been posting. And yesterday was my birthday!!! Yay. Thank you so much for 5.6k! I love you all so much! Please follow my Twitter! @1Dinfection365! I love you all! ~1Dinfection365 03^

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