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I'm deciding to keep this book going for a while.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Follow me on Twitter; @1Dinfection365

Now; please enjoy this chapter, comment and vote, if you liked this chapter.


Jason turns his back on me and walks straight out the room, leaving the door wide open. Without saying a word. Shaking his head, with his fist crumpled, like he wanted to hit me again, but couldn't even look at me anymore. I waited till he was a few feet from the room, as I slowly followed him down the stairs, to find Justin in the kitchen eating, only an apple. "Justin!" All I could do was run to him. Not even thinking about the fight last night. I tumble over, right in the middle of the floor, landing on my stomach. Everyone's attention was on me. "You ok Carmen?" Justin just sat there, as he asked. My brain began thumping inside my skull. My vision was no longer clear. "Carmen!?" Justin yells louder, with worry in his voice. I roll over on my back, groaning desperately for medical attention. Justin stands from his seat. I could hear distant chains being rattled. Jason scoffs and walks off. Finally I get the effort, and struggle to stand to my feet. "I-I'm fine..." I respond to everyone, trying to show everyone, that I'm confident. And I can do things on my own. My vision began to clear. I notice a chain wrapped around Justin's ankle. My eyes meet his, he looks hella worried.

Three months had passed...

I haven't been feeling well, at all. Somehow I've gotten some kind of sickness, I've never heard of. I threw up yesterday, and the day before. Jason raped me a month ago. Jason made Justin rape me while Jason watched. Somehow I've grown a bulge in my stomach. Could I be pregnant with Jason's, Harry's, or Justin's baby? Justin was like a slave. Jason made Justin do all the dirty work around the house.

Three months in Jason's house of hell.
I can't take it.
'Living' in that house was hell.
After everyone had raped me,
Jason hasn't even touched me.
Thank god.
How long till this Nightmare is over?
Will it take weeks?
I wanna kill myself already.

Three months without cutting, or even
trying to kill myself.
Three months without fun.
Three months without even speaking
or making eye contact with Justin.
Everyday, I would wake up, terrified, with Jason's dangerous arms around me.
Everyday, I would feel miserable.
Everyday, Jason would give me disgusted looks.
Everyday, I would watch Jason beating down Justin. in horror.
Everyday, they would fight like cats and dogs, ready to kill each other.
Everyday, I would ask myself, Why me?

I'm done...

I had to finish quickly.

Anyway, thanks for 19.2K :)

You have no idea how excited I was.

Thank you for everything.

Love you all


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