Chapter 3

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Art Class
10:00 a.m.
Diacca's pov:
I'm in my art class. One of my favorite classes of the whole entire day. I sat at a table close to the door, so I can get out easily. I saw that girl Vanessa walk in with her art stuff. She sat right beside me.
"Hey," I said. She looked at me, then smiled.
"Hi! My name is Vanessa," she hold out her hand.
"My name is Diacca, " I said while shaking her hand.
"You know what? Your nickname is Acca. I have a friend that haves a similar name to that," Ness said.
"Ok...?" I said. "You can call me Ness," she said. The bell ringed and Miss Martin camed up from her seat.
"Hi Everyone! Most of yall know me, but my name is Miss Martin," she said.
Miss. Martin is my favorite teacher since the whole school year started.
"Anyway, I want you to start drawing on the most important things in your life. Just think about what you like to do and draw it visually," she said. "If you need questions, come up to my desk."
We started drawing on what's important in our life. Right now, I think about betrayal and heartache but with music and food at the same time. While drawing a picture of pizza, I heard the intercom go off.
"Miss Vanessa Anderson to the office, Miss Vanessa Anderson." Then it went off.
Ness got up from the table and walk to the door pissed. While opening the door, I see one of Prod homeboys Ray come in. They both bump into each other by accident without even knowing.
"I'm sorry, " she said.
"Its ok. Just watch where you going," he said. Then bump into her on purpose and walked in. Ness walked away with a bad attitude.
Ok. I know that Ray isn't a bad influence but what he just did was stupid as hell. If I was Ness, I would seriously cuss him out and threaten to cut his hair off. But that's just me and I hide my ugly side. You can say I'm shy and quiet when it comes to people.
"Hey Diacca, " Ray said. "Hey Pigtails, " I said.
"I feel bad about what happen between you and Prod. Just that we need to focus on our career more and stuff," he said.
But are you with Zonnique aka Blue Air Head? Imma just put that on hush mode real quick.
"Yea I guess, " I said. "Anyway, see ya later!" Then he walked over to his table. Where someone so hot is over there. With his curly hair that goes to his shoulders, his pink lips, beautiful smile...woo! There my friends is Ruben Devill aka my crush 😆!
Ruben Devill is in most of my classes except Science. He's so hot and cute. He's a singer that makes his music. I love his song Freak In You. Just makes a girl bring the freak inside her!
He saw me staring and I turned around. 'Focus on the drawing. Just focus on the drawing', I said inside my head.
I just hope that I can at least talk to him without being nervous and shy.
Ruben's pov:
In this art class makes me tired and bored. Today is the first day of school and I just want to go home. I hate this piece of shit called school. Especially high-school. I can't wait to graduate from this hell hole and get to college to party with college chicks. These high-school girls are getting on my nerves with this stupid mess called drama.
My table partner Ray was drawing about his group, fans, etc while I'm just drawing about the last day of school of my junior year. I wish I never dated Maria from fresh year till now. Maria James was one of the popular chicks and my ex girlfriend who was a bratty bitch. I'll tell you more about her but not now. Just now she was a bratty bitch.
I felt eyes staring at me. I look up and see a darkskin girl with brown eyes looking at me. She looked away quickly. Hm. That was weird. Anyways while doing this boring work, I hope this school year was better than last year. At least if I get a girlfriend this year, she better have more sense than my last girl.
I hope you like this chapter! I might do 10 or 12 chapters. Anyway, Comment, Vote, and Like!

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