Chapter 5

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3 Weeks Later
Hallway across Art Room & Lockers
9:45 a.m.
Ruben's pov:
"Hey Ruby Baby!" I turned around and see Maria James. Maria is a 5'6 chick with blonde hair and brown eyes. She's wearing a button down white shirt, blue jeans, red lipstick, and all star white converses.
Do this bitch still think we are together? Because I dump her for being bratty and shit. I can't stand bratty people.
"Maria," I said. "Please don't call me Ruby. It sounds like a girls name."
"But you like me calling you Ruby," she said. "Right baby?"
"Now that's when you need to stop and gtfo," I said. "We broke up last year. I don't want you no more."
"No. We are still together Ruben," she said. "We never broke up. We were always still together."
"Well from what happened last year, " I concluded. "I said we done. Let it go you crazy bitch!" Then I walked away. Walking close to the art room, I hear Maria yelling in the hallway.
"We are together Ruben Devill! Don't you dare break us apart! You are definitely gonna regret this! " Then I hear her heels clicking down the hallway.
Whatever bitch, just keep on dreaming.
10:00 a.m
Art Class
Diacca's pov:
Walking into class, I see Vanessa at our table drawing. I sat down beside her.
"Hey Ness!" I said.  "Hey Acca, " she said.
"So? How is you and Jaden? " I asked. From hearing around the school, Ness and Jaden are now a couple after school started.
"Good so far, " she said. The the bell ringed and Miss Martin started to talk. When Miss Martin started talking about art projects, someone knocked on the door. She opened the door and in comes Ray.
"I'm sorry Miss Martin. I was busy doing something, " he said.
"Probably getting his dick sucked by his ugly ass girlfriend, " Ness said.
We started to giggle which cause Ray to look over. He winked at Ness, while she gave him the middle finger.
"We are doing a art project and you guys will have partners, " She said. I looked at Ness. She looked at me. We both smiled.
"But I'll be picking your partners," she conclude. Everyone gave her the death look. I really wanted to punch her inthe face.
She started to call out names, I begin drawing ideas. While drawing, she said my name.
"Diacca & Ruben. Lastly Vanessa & Rayan, " she said. I gave her a look, then walked over to their table & trade seats with Ray. I sat down and listen to music. Ruben wasn't paying attention to me anyway.
I started singing his song and jamming out. Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up. It was Ruben Devill.
He looked at me witha smirk. "So you are singing my song, huh?"
"Yea," I said. "Got a problem with it?"
"Fiesty. I like it," he said. "I always thought you were one of the shy & quiet chicks."
"I'm quiet because I'm antisocial. I don't like talking to people fr," I said.
"Cool," he said. "Do you like to dance?"
"I don't dance," I confirmed. "I know you can," he said.
"I'm not that good of a dancer," I said.
"Want me to teach you how to dance while we are doing our art project?" Ruben asked.
"Sure," I confirmed.
"Cool," he said. "See you on Saturday?"
"Yea," I said. Then the bell ringed and we left out of class. Tae walked towards me coming from band.
"How was your day?" She asked.
"Good. Ruben is my partner in art and he's teaching me how to dance, " I said.
"YYYAAASSSS BISH!" she exclaimed. "You got a date with Ruben!"
"We are just working on our project, " I said.
"But he's teaching you to dance afterward," Tae said. "BITCH ITS A FUCKING DATE!"
"Chill bruh," I said. "Ain't no chill and you know that, " she said.
I see Prod pass by looking at me. I shot up my middle finger mouthing "fuck you" and walked away. He doesn't have the time to be talking to me. Fuck him.

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