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2 Months Later
EHS Football Field
Diacca's pov:
"I'm thankful that we can now think about the journeys we will be taking alone. This is the year that we will be going separate ways and starting college or careers. The friends you thought had is now going to go in history. All the little things that you worried are over now, " Che said.
Everyone is on the field in our cap & gown, while our valedictorian stands at the podium giving us a speech. Our valedictorian is Dache' Lanier aka Che which people called her. Looking at her on the stage, she's lucky. She finally got who she wanted which is her bestfriend Chresanto August aka Roc. I been waiting for this day to come.
"And I wish everyone luck on your journey. Don't you ever give up on what you believe in," she concluded. "Thank you and welcome Class of 2019."
Everyone clapped & stand up for her speech. She ran down and hugged friends.
Then everyone threw their caps up in the air. We finally graduated high school!
If you wanna know everyone happy endings, I concluded you to it.
Che and Jacob broke up because of his relationship with Bahja. Roc and Che are now together. Jacob is now working in order to support Bahja & their unborn child. Bahja is now staying at home.
Ness filed a report on Jaden for sexual harassment. Jaden is now in jail. Ray and Ness is now finally together.
Kee broke up with Twist in order for him to focus on his child. Twist is now back with his baby momma. Now Kee and Prince is together.
Tae'ah and August been together for about almost a year now. Ruben has been focusing on going to college and doing more music.
Miguel is now focus on graduating high-school since he's now a senior. The other girls had a good life tbh.
Now me, my story is not over yet. We all got accepted to the same college. Maybe we will meet more people or more drama to continued?
I felt being picked up from the ground and spinned around. I knew it was my boyfriend Ruben because of his curly hair.
"Remember that bet you told saying that you can't dance?" He said.
"Yea," I said. He looked at me with a smirk.
"Bet I can change you into a freak?" He said, holding out his hand.
I looked at it then smirked. I shooked his hand. "You're on."
Well I hope you love this book! Thank you enough for reading this book. Don't say goodbye to SVF, this is starting another prequel & the sequal of my first book with Diacca and the others. Love you guys! -QueenChe6 😈 💛 💍

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