Ch. 9

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Social Studies
9:45 a.m.
Ruben's pov:
Well, I got myself a girlfriend. Now I gotta introduced her to my brother and my mom. My mom is not that bad, just my little brother Miguel. He talks to much and sometimes I wanna punch him in his shit. He better not bring about the videos we do. I don't want Acca to know about Brenda & Besty. Long story I don't wanna explain........
Anyway, I'm doing my work since there ain't shit to do and see the chair in front of me moved and someone decided to sit there.
"Hey! Are you that Ruben nigga?" Someone said. I look up and see a darkskin nigga that looked like he a wannabe Chris Brown.
"Yea," I said. "I'm that Ruben nigga. Who are you?"
"I'm Prod," he said. Oh! So this is the nigga that lefted Acca for his career and fame? What did she even see in him? He look like he was a crackhead.
"So you that nigga who lefted Acca for fame?" I said. He frowned a bit, but I really don't give a fuck.
"Yea and I want you to leave her alone," he said.
"You can't tell me shit," I said. I got up from the table. Everyone was starting to look. "I know you guys just got back from your trip, but you can't control me. I can date who I want and I want to date Acca. You just couldn't handle to have a sexy black women in your life."
"Nigga I can have any girl in the world," he said. "You just got my leftovers. I don't know why you choose Acca, but she's a weak bitch with no body. She's a ugly bitch."
That made me blackened out and punched the fuck outta him. My momma raised me to not call a woman out of her name. He swinged back, but missed by a inch. This nigga is a weak ass bitch.
9:45 a.m.
Diacca's pov:
We were doing our work in class, until we heard noises outside the classroom. It was so rowdy & crowded outside, I couldn't see anything. Everything was just a blur till I see curly black hair on top of a darkskin nigga. I knew it had to be Ruben, but I didn't know he was fighting someone. Ruben was throwing punches onto Prod and this made me smile a bit.
I started to walked over to them, until a red manicure hand pulled my hoodie back. I turned around and see Maria and her friend Jasmine. I don't like none of these bitches. Always want damn attention and shit.
"Acca? What's going on?" Tae said coming up towards us. She looked at the girls with a dirty look. "What the fuck you want?"

"Stay away from my Ruby!" Maria said. Tae and I looked at each other, then laughed.
"She called Ruben Ruby!" Tae laughed. "Aint no Ruby bitch!"
"Bitch you don't need to talk," Jasmine said. Tae walked up to her. "Hoe you don't wanna start Round 2. Remember I dropped that ass?"
"Bitch I ain't scared at all." She walked up to Tae'ah. People started to look over here.
"Guys chill," I said. "There's no reason to start fighting now."
"You just a weak bitch. I don't know why Ruben left me for a black skinny bitch, " Maria retorted.
I grabbed that bitch hair and draggee her ass. She started screaming, while I was throwing blows to her face. How dare this hoe gonna try to criticize my race? And my size? Hell no! You earn this ass whooping!
Tae'ah beating the hoe's friend. Before I could knock her ass out, a teacher camed in and pulled me off of her. While they pulled me to the office, I see Tae'ah throwing Jasmine to the lockers and some teachers lunging for her and Ruben starring at me with a smirk. Acca= 1 Maria 0 You lost Hoe 😈
After leaving the office because I was suspended for a week, I hear some yelling by the girls restroom. I walk over there and hid. I couldn't believe it! It was Ness and Jaden arguing. Then I saw him slap her to the ground and kicked her multiple times. I waited until he lefted and walked over to Ness.
"Vanessa?" I asked. She looked up and I was aboutto scream. She have multiple bruises on her face to her legs since she's wearing a long skirt.
"Acca?" She said. "So this was he's been doing on the trip? That's why you haven't answered my phone calls?" I asked.
"Acca, " she said. "Promise you won't tell anyone that I'm being abused by Jaden. Please!"
"Ok," I said. "Lemme take you to my house."
I helped her up and we bothed walked outside to my car. I don't understand this. I had a feeling Jaden wasn't good. Soon, everything will be fixed, I hope.
I hope you like this chapter! Comment, Vote, and Like! -QueenChe6

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