Ch. 11

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Outside of Ruben's House
5:45 p.m.
Diacca's pov:
"I'm scared," I said to Ruben. We are basically outside in his car. I thought we were eating out, but instead we are meeting his family. I'm scared because I might give his mom & brother a bad impression. I don't know, nerves are hitting me very badly.
"Baby," Ruben said. I love it when he calls me Baby. Make me wanna freak that nigga out my lord! "Its ok. Just ignore my brother and it will be fine. My mom's not that bad."
I looked at him, scared. "Your mom's not that bad?!" I said. Then my nerves starting kicking in.
"Baby," he said. He was holding my hand. "Its going to be ok. Stop being scared. "
"Okay, " I breathed out. We got out of the car and walked towards the front door. In my head, I was thinking if I should escape and run, but I know I'm out of luck. He ringed the doorbell.
The door opened and there was a guy who looked about 17 with black hair and brown eyes. The only thing that's not cute is his ears.
"Miguel, meet my girlfriend Diacca. Diacca, this is my little brother Miguel," Ruben said.
Ugh! Remember I told you guys that Ruben haves a little brother named Miguel? Well his little brother looks cute!
"Is this the girl you lefted Hot Maria for? This girl ain't even cute," Miguel said.
And this is why my friends I hate Miguel. He's so blunt and a little hoe. I know what you be doing little boy. I hear a lot of stuff about you 😈😏😆.
"Say that shit again or I will cut off your dick, " Ruben threatened.
"Don't make me tell her about the videos, " he said back.
"What videos?" I asked. Before he could answer, a 30 year old woman that haves blond hair and blue eyes come in.
"Miguel let your brother in," she said. Then she looked at me. "Oh my! You must be Diacca! Come in!"
We walked inside his house and it looked pretty cool. Pictures of Ruben and his brother when they were younger plasted around the house.
"You can call me Ada. Don't listen to Miguel," she said. "He's a pain in the arse."
"I thought you wouldn't like me at first," I said.
"Sweetie," she said. "Ruben could never stop talking about you. He said that you were a straight A student, focus on grades than looks, and so much better than that Maria girl. She looked like a hot mess."
"I don't like her," I said. "We got in a fight."
"So I've heard. Never liked that gold digger hoe. Thank you for beating that ass," she said.
She walked in the kitchen and Miguel followed her by looking at me with a disgusted look. I gave him the middle finger and he smirked.
"Don't mind Miguel, " Ruben said. "Told you that she won't be mean."
"I know, " I said. "She just hate Maria and glad I beat that ass."
Then we both walked in the dining room and this was a great night! His mom likes me and thinks I'm wife material. Hm, Hint Hint Ruben!😆😌 Just the next day.......everything wasn't how it planned. If I didn't say the words, we all wouldn't have problems. No one wouldn't get hurt at all. Everything started to fall and dreams for everyone was crushed badly.
Well then, something might happen in the next chapter from what Acca is telling us. Anyway, Vote, Comment, and Like this chapter! Thank you to everyone for commenting about liking this book! I might make this a series after I finished my other series I got to do. Thank you guys! -QueenChe6 😈💛

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