Ch. 10

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Diacca's House
2:30 p.m.
Diacca's pov:
"I really love him and all. Just that he changed into this horrible monster. He never like Ray at all," Ness said. "I just thought he was different. "
We are in my room from school since I was suspended. We are now talking about her relationship with Jaden.
"Ness, " I said. "Maybe you don't need to be with him. You need to leave his crazy ass. Next time, he could permanently beat you until you wouldn't be able to breathe."
"He doesn't like Che and Kee," she said. "Says they're the reason Ray comes around."
"He needs to take some seats because they can't control who's around you guys. You faithful to him. He better be lucky," I said.
Ness looked down ever since I brought up Ray. I think old feelings are still there, but she won't let it show.
"Ness I know you got feelings for Ray," I said. She looked at me.
"Don't tell the girls that I still do. We're supposed to hate them after what they did," she said. "They treated us like shit and never became our friends. "
"Okay, " I said. "I won't tell him or anyone. But you gotta break up with Jaden. No one wants you hurt at all." Just when she's about to say something, I heard the door opened and closed.
"DIACCA LAPRE SINGLETON! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I knew that voice when I walked downstairs.
"Hey mom," I said.
"Diacca, you got suspended for a week?!" She said. Oh so they called her? Well someone write my death wish please.
"Mom," I said. "I can explain. Some girl call me out of my name and said something about our race."
"Did you whoop that ass?" She asked. See, this is why I love my mom.
"Yes I did. Dragged her ass around the hallway. Tae'ah threw her friend at the lockers a bunch of times, " I said.
"Tae'ah my bitch, " Mom said. The doorbell ringed and I walked to the door. I opened the door and was pulled into a hug by Ruben. Tae'ah and August walked in afterwards closing the door.
"Baby are you okay?" He said. "Do I need to kill her?"
"Can I kill that hoe?" Everyone looked at Tae'ah. "What? I wanna kill that bitch and her hoe ass friend. Those bitches so fake. "
"No and don't Tae'ah. Remember you almost got arrested for choking that girl who was around Prince?" I said.
"It was back then and the girl was being thirsty. I aint letting no hoe trying to steal my man," she said.
"Anyways," my mom said walking in. "Acca introduce me to your 'friend'."
"Ruben, this is My mom. Mom, this is Ruben, my boyfriend, " I said.
"Oh? This is the guy you had a crush on since freshman year?" She said.
August started laughing, while Ruben smirked.
"Good Bye Mother," I said. "Don't forget that girl who's upstairs," she said, then lefted to the kitchen.
"Who's upstairs?" Tae'ah asked.
"Acca?" Then Ness comes downstairs and stopped at the last two steps.
"Why she's here and why she have bruises on her?" Tae'ah asked.
Everyone was looking for an answer and I looked at Ness. She nodded her head.
"Its a long story and I'll tell you if you sit down please, " I said.
While telling everyone what happened from the beginning, I have this feeling that something will start becoming extinct & never returning again. This might start something to begin in a terrible start. And no one is ready for it. At least we all thought so.
Hey guys! I will be updating soon more so I can do Book 2 of PTB series! Anyway, Kelly Rowland plays Mrs Singleton aka Diacca's Mom. Like, Comment Ideas for the next chapter or book, and Vote for this chapter! Thanks! -QueenChe6 😈💛💍

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