Ch. 8

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East High School
7:20 a.m.
Diacca's pov:
Walking inside the school, I see everyone looking at me. Wtf you looking at me? Am I that pretty or something? People were whispering, while I walked by the lockers.
I get to my locker and hear footprints quick walking towards me. "So I hear that Saturday was off the chain!" Tae said. "Gimme the tea. What happened?"
"Tae, we were just dancing. That's all," I said. I closed my locker door and see Ruben walking towards us.
"Well," she said. "From what I heard, you guys were dancing and making out. Was that true? And don't lie to me."
"Maybe. Maybe not," I smiled.
"I knew it! You and Ruben must be a couple now," she said.
"I really don't know, " I said. "He might just kissed me because we were in the moment."
"Actually I kissed you because I like you," someone said. I turned around and see Ruben smirking. Tae walked over to August and his buddies, so she left me to defend myself.
"Wait..what?" I said.
"Diacca, " he said. "I really like you. I like your style, how the way you dance even though you a freak but you shy, and your a pretty cool girl."
"Thanks," I said.
" you wanna go out?" He asked.
"Yes," I said. He started smiling and so was I. Tae walked over with August smiling.
" I see you girl," she said. "Got your man and all."
"Babey chill, " August said.
"Babey? Tae'ah...?!" I asked.
"Yea," she said. Then she was holding his hand. "August and I are together!"
"YASSSS BITCH!" I said. We all started laughing.
"The bell is about to ring. See you guys later!" I said.
"Lemme walk you to class, " Ruben said.
Then we were walking to class together holding hands and I see people staring. The only person giving that damn death stare is Ruben's ex Maria James. Even though she's pretty but her attitude made that bitch ugly as hell. I felt her stare, so I winked back. I really wish a bitch would start shit.

And I was wrong. Stuff did go down and some miracles because extinct.
Hey Guys! Since School will be coming to a end in about 2 months, I gotta study hard so I'll pass these exams. Anyway, please subscribe, comment, and vote for this chapter. There will be a sequel to my series Posted To Be after this book! If you wanna know about it, follow me on Instagram @Qveenche6. Thanks!

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