Chapter 6

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Wildcats Stadium
7:48 p.m.
Diacca's pov:
Sitting on the bleachers close to the concession stand, I feel bored. I don't like going to high-school foot games, but Ness invited me to come with her and her friends. I finally know who's that pretty girl's name. Dache' I heard and she seems popular since people know the drama between her, Bahja, and Roc. Tbh, I think they would look cute together.
"Acca?" I turned around and see Vanessa and Dache' standing up.
"Huh?" I said. "Its about to be halftime and Kee Kee is performing with the dance line. You wanna come?" She asked.
"Nah. I'm good here," I said. They walked down the bleachers and towards the fence. The game ended and the players lefted. The band started playing and the dance line camed out. I see Kee Kee in front leading the girls and I can tell ...That girl can dance her ass off! Tae'ah killing it too! I see you girl!
I see Jaden talking to Twist and Jacob. I forgot the girls dating them. I don't like how Jaden was looking at me up and down. I will punch that nigga. He doesn't know me. Anyway im ready to go home and chill.
<<<<<2 Hours and 45 Minutes Later<<<<<<<
Well...that was horrible. After the game, there was a agruement between Che and Roc. I saw Prod & Tae saw Prince. Kee was upset and Ness as well. We went to a party and Tae'ah almost got us kicked out because of Jasmine and August. Jacob being very secretive and shit. Mhmmm...I guess there are a lot of stuff going on. ...anyway I'm ready for tomorrow! I lefted the party and dropped off Tae'ah drunk ass home. Aug told me to give Tae his number. Hmm...Tae'ah and I might get our fairytale after all. I guess.
Anyway from the last chapter I forgot to add the characters name. The top is Ness and Ray, the bottom is Maria and Prod. Anyway, Comment and Vote. Don't forget to like. If you have questions on this book, last book, or the new one, Inbox me!

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