Ch. 7

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Diacca's House
9: 45 a.m.
Diacca's pov:
Today's the day I'm gonna be meeting Ruben for our project and he's teaching me how to dance. Bruh....I'm actually kinda nervous. I know I'm supposed to like ....what was I not supposed to do? Oh yeah, not faint around him. I don't know if him and Maria are back together by hearing it around the school. I hear footprints run down the hallway and I know its my little sister Jacailyn.

Jacailyn and I have different fathers but the same mom. Growing up with her at the time was a pain in the ass, but I love my little sister. I would be leaving this place and going to college. Ehh, I don't wanna grow up. It took me time to get used in high school. Life is going waaaayyy fast...

"Acca?" I hear Jacailyn said. She walked to me. "Where are you going?"
"To do my project," I said.
"With that Ruben kid?" She asked.
"Yes Jacailyn," I said. "Now go somewhere and stop being damn nosey."
"Whatever, " she said and lefted the kitchen. She only 6 years old but she act like a 12 year old. Anyway I lefted out and locked the door. By locking the door, I see Jacob sitting on the porch looking like he's pissed and scared. He sees me staring and walked inside. I don't like him now.... he's very suspicious.
10:15 a.m.
Ruben's Dance Room
I arrived at the dance room and see Ruben dancing. Man....that motherfucker can grind! Acca! Control yourself. Ruben turned around and grinned.
"Hey Acca," he said. "Hey Ruben," I said.
I put my stuff for the project down.
"What do you want to start on? The project or dance?" I asked. He pulled me towards him. I accidentally tripped and landed on his chest. He caught me by his arms around my waist.
"You happy I catch you?" He said.
"Well duh," I said. "You wasn't gonna let me fall on my ass right? Like last time?"
"Oh," he said. "I wanted to apologize for what happened last time."
"Its good, " I said. "Now teach me your moves."
He started to hip roll then pop and go to the ground. me!
"Can you do that?" He asked. "Nope," I said.
"Lemme teach you then," he said. He pulled me close to him so my back was behind ny front. "Let me guide you then," he said, then he leans down to my ear. "Unless you are afraid," he whispered.
We started dancing and he had his hands on my waist. So since he wanted to test me, I'll let one of my secrets go. I started to hip roll on him and dipped down. He was smirking, while I winked at him. Next thing you know, I tripped over our project and we both fall down. We started laughing and then it was quiet. He kept looking at my lips and I stared at his. We both leaned in and started kissing. For the first time, I am kissing Ruben Devill in a dance studio! Like bruh! One of my wishes on my wish list lije yeee!
We stopped to get our breaths and I was smiling.
"Should we get back to this project?" He said.
"Yea," I said. "We should actually."
Comment and Subscribe to this chapter! Sorry I haven't been updating! Btw, happy belated birthday Tae'ah! -QveenChe6

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