Chapter 1

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The world comes to life and everything’s right

from beginning to end when you have a friend by your side.’

                                                                        Gift of a Friend- Demi Lovato


"I am so glad that's over." I sighed flopping on the couch in the living area. I hated flying and was relieved to finally be able to relax in the apartment we were staying in for our summer in Spain.

"Beach time!" Elle yelled heading into her room to get changed dragging her suitcases behind her.

"Yes!" Ali shouted in reply, always keen to spend time in the sun tanning.

"No," I groaned pulling a pillow over my head. Don't get me wrong I love the beach but right now I could do with a really long sleep. The stress of flying really drains all my energy.

I felt the couch shift as someone took a seat before hearing the voice of my closest friend Ali. "Are you not up to going out?"

I removed the pillow, immediately faced with Ali's piercing green eyes looking down at me concerned. "I'm sorry, I would normally I am just so tired right now."

"I understand Ash. Do you want me to stay with you?" Ali pulled her blonde hair up in a bun not taking her eyes off of me.

"Ali, I love you for offering but I'm only going to be sleeping so you might as well get some sun." I assured Ali knowing how much she worried about me.

This holiday may have been planned for me but I definitely didn't want it to become all about me. Ali and Elle deserved to have some fun after everything they had done for me over the past few months. 

"Alright but I will keep my phone on me so don't hesitate to call. You know how I worry." She smiled standing up to leave. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous, I mean we had all been on the same flight yet I am the only one completely wiped.

"Just go Al." I laughed tiredly closing my eyes not really expecting to be able to sleep for long. Sure, I was tired but when wasn't I? Ever since the mess with Jarrod I have struggled to sleep for any more than a few hours before I am woken by terrifyingly accurate nightmares.


"Ash, wake up. It's morning." Ali's voice drifted through the cloud of sleep I was under.

"What do you mean morning? Have I really been asleep that long?" I mumbled sleepily. I stretched my arms and legs out feeling sore from being curled up on the couch, apparently, all night.

"Yep and boy have you missed a lot." Elle said smiling as she pushed my feet aside to take a seat. Despite having just woken up she still managed to look like she had just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Her long black hair hung perfectly around her face and her tiny pyjama shorts showed off her tanned legs.

I turned to face Ali who was sat on the edge of the coffee table looking like she was about to burst from excitement. She too looked absolutely stunning but in a less polished way than Elle. Her blonde hair was messy, make up was smudged under her eyes and her clothes were creased.

"Go on then, spill." I laughed pulling my legs up to my chest and resting my head on my knees. Next to the two of them I always felt quite plain and now was definitely no exception. My red hair was knotted and I probably had pillow creases on my face but my appearance would have to wait.

"Well we went down to the beach." Ali burst out pausing to throw her hair up in her signature top knot. Her pink tank top rose up revealing her perfectly toned stomach and diamond belly button stud.

"Wow guys that's like the most exciting thing ever. Can't believe I missed out on that!" I teased as Ali stuck her tongue out at me.

"That's not the exciting part. We met this really awesome group of guys." Elle continued her voice rising as she relayed the previous days events. "They're here for the summer too and want to hang out with us."

"Yeah. And they are all like seriously hot." Ali finished grinning wildly. I stifled a giggle at the slightly crazed look on her face, she was completely boy mad. "We're meeting them at the beach today so you can see for yourself."

Ali shifted to the edge of her seat. "But Harry's mine so hands off." She spoke warningly before winking.

"And Louis is mine." Elle stated dreamily already looking quite smitten. There was me thinking this would be a girly holiday but one day in and boys were already the main topic of conversation.

"Niall and Liam both have girlfriends so that leaves you with Zayn." Ali finished off smiling.

"I'm not looking for a relationship right now, Al." I replied stretching my legs over Elle's lap laughing at how the girls had it all figured out. It was just typical Ali to have planned it all out like this without considering the possibility that the guys may not feel the same way.

"You won't be saying that when you see Zayn with his shirt off." Elle smirked pushing my feet off her lap and standing up. "And none of us will be seeing anything if we don't hurry up and get changed."

Ali and I laughed at Elle as we stood up. She was always the one keeping us in order.

I trudged into my bathroom grateful for the en suite as I'm sure I looked terrible after that long sleep. After splashing my face with cold water I noticed my toiletries had been put out on the side, probably by Ali.

Jumping in the shower I couldn't help but wonder what the boys were going to be like. Since my last relationship I was too damaged to want another so soon but making new friends would be nice.

Turning the shower off I quickly dried my body and applied foundation thickly over the long scar on my arm. Hearing the impatient knocks on my door I decided against drying my hair.

Walking in to the bedroom I noticed that Ali had unpacked my clothes as well. Opening several drawers I finally found my bikini which I threw on with some denim shorts and an off the shoulder tee. Grabbing my flip flops and beach bag I headed out to the lounge where the Ali and Elle were waiting.

Ali was dressed in an extremely revealing string bikini, not bothering with a cover up, showing off her tall, slim figure. Her hair was still up in a top knot but now she had a full face of make up on. I rolled my eyes, only Ali would go to the beach wearing that much make up.

"Finally." Elle sighed jumping up and heading to the door. She was wearing a printed maxi dress which clung to her model-esque figure and her hair was perfectly curled.

"Someone's eager to go out." Ali teased winking at me and throwing her arm over my shoulders as we all headed out the door to the beach.


Authors Note:

Hey guys,

So this is just a quick note to say please please please keep reading. At the moment I am just setting the scene but there are a lot of twists and turns to come so stay tuned.

Much Love


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