Chapter 3

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Putting my defences up 'cos I don’t want to fall in love

if I ever did that I think I’d have a heart attack.

                                                   Heart Attack- Demi Lovato


Forty minutes later and victory, surprisingly, belonged to us girls. A complete mishit by Zayn handed us the win. Harry and Ali were currently teasing Zayn about his part in our victory as we all lay down on the beach towels exhausted.

"I can't believe you missed that last shot mate." Harry taunted wiping the sweat away with his beach towel.

"Yeah well I was distracted." Zayn spoke looking directly at me. Omg! Was Zayn seriously suggesting he was distracted by me? I looked away self consciously checking the scar on my arm was still covered.

"You know I reckon Zayn should buy everyone's dinner since he's the reason we lost." Louis jibed jumping up and running into the water as Zayn chased him angrily.

Once she had checked that I was ok, Ali took Harry's hand and followed the others into the sea to cool off. I lay down, plugging my ipod in my ears and got lost in the music.

The feel of cold water landing on my stomach jolted me awake and I pulled my earphones out annoyed. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Zayn assured me his jet black hair dripping with water. How is it that he looks even hotter when he is wet? And why am I thinking this about some guy I just met?

"No worries, I was getting kind of hot anyway." I joked as Zayn took a seat next to me using a towel to dry off. I found it hard not to stare at his muscular body.

 "How come you're not in the sea like everyone else?" Zayn quizzed leaning back on his hands the towel thrown over his shoulder.

 "I, umm, I'm kinda scared of the sea." I blushed revealing the first of my many fears.

"There's nothing to be afraid of; I'd keep you safe." Zayn responded watching me carefully. Was Zayn flirting with me?

"Not possible, what could he possibly see in you," Jarrod's voice filled my mind. Suddenly self conscious I stood up and took off down the beach. I know it wasn't Zayn's fault and I felt kind of rude storming off like this but I just really need some space right now.


Authors Note:

Just a quick note to say keep reading it means a lot.

Much Love xx

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