Chapter 18

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‘And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid,

I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny cos he never did,'

                                                                       Begin Again- Taylor Swift


'Wow Ashleigh you look amazing.' Elle exclaimed as I walked out of my room to join her in the hall.

'Thanks. So do you.' I smiled running my hands over the skirt of the black skater dress I was wearing. I had kept things quite simple tonight leaving my hair in its natural waves and hadn't put on any make up.

Noticing Elle staring at the scar on my arm, which for the first time since I got it wasn't covered up, I explained. 'No more hiding. I can't change what happened but I can change what will happen.'

'Who are you and what have you done with the real Ashleigh.' Elle joked fluffing her hair up.

'I just can't go on living in the past.' I shrugged.

'Not when the future holds someone as gorgeous as Zayn.' Ali winked teasingly coming out of her room.

'Finally. Lets go. I'm starving.' Elle grumbled opening the front door heading down the stairs.

Ali and I exchanged a look following the her out of our apartment and down the stairs where we were meeting the boys.

My heart rate picked up instantly when I saw Zayn. He was leaning against the wall chatting to Louis running his fingers through his hair occasionally making my legs weak. He turned his head smiling immediately when he saw me.

'You look beautiful.' He whispered leaning in to kiss my cheek.

'You don't look so bad yourself.' I smiled blushing. He really did look gorgeous in a leather jacket, t-shirt and ripped jeans.

'Thanks short stuff.' He smiled falling into step beside me as we walked to the same restaurant we had eaten at the first night.

'Hey I'm not short tonight.' I pouted referencing the four inch heels I had on my feet.

Zayn laughed, 'You are still a lot shorter than me.'

'Well maybe you're just freakishly tall.' I countered realising that I was indeed still several inches shorter than him.

'I actually think your lack of height is cute.' He murmured leaning into my ear.

'Thanks I've always wanted to be cute.' I muttered sarcastically.

'And I've always wanted to be a sex god but apparently we cant always have what we want.' He teased.

I smiled at this, it was becoming our private joke. 'I suppose being cute is better than being a failed sex god.' I joked feeling lightheaded as Zayn slipped his arm around my waist.

'You got that right.' He whispered pulling me close to him causing his aftershave to fill my senses. I leant into his side enjoying this feeling of closeness.

As we entered the restaurant he pulled his arm away pulling my chair out for me. Like always, I instantly missed the warmth of his touch but shook this feeling from my head as I took my seat.

'Thanks.' I smiled as Zayn took the seat next to me returning my smile.

'So Zayn, what do you reckon we watch a horror movie tonight?' Louis asked from the other side of Zayn causing his attention to slip from me.

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