Chapter 11

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‘They give light to where we’ve been,

when we fall and start again,

scars remind us who we are.’

                                    Scars- Colton Dixon


"The Vow it is then." Harry groaned. We had just voted between the Hangover and the Vow with the Vow winning by one vote, much to the boys disgust.

Empty pizza boxes were strewn on the table in front of us as we settled down for the movie. Ali sat on Harry's lap in the armchair. Louis and Elle were cuddled together on a sofa with Liam. Leaving Niall, Zayn and I on the other couch.

I soon became engrossed in the movie. So much so I didn't notice when Zayn's arm moved from the back of the couch to rest on my shoulders.

As the film came to an end I couldn't help but feel disappointed with the ending. Normally I hate predictable films but I had really hoped she would get her memory back.

Judging by the amount of tissues being handed around the others had all been affected as well.

"Are you alright?" Zayn whispered making me aware of how close we were sitting. Not that I minded, being near him made me feel really safe.

"Yeah. I just hoped she would of remembered him that's all." I sighed trying to imagine losing parts of my memory. I wouldn't mind forgetting Jarrod that's for sure.

"I guess but it must be pretty special to get to fall in love with the same person twice." Zayn countered. He was so close to me I could feel his breath on my face. When he says things like that it's easy to see why he has had so many girlfriends.

"I vote you girls stay the night." Louis blurted as he stood up to begin clearing away the empty pizza boxes.

Ali’s face lit up as she turned to look at me clearly wanting my permission to say yes. To my own surprise I found myself nodding my head automatically already looking forward to spending more time with Zayn.

"We’d love to." Ali spoke for all of us before Harry pulled her into a passionate kiss.

"I’m too innocent." Louis yelled running from the room with the rubbish.

"Like hell he is." Zayn muttered causing me to break out in laughter setting Liam and Elle off. Although we had only met a few days ago I already felt like I had known these boys my whole life, they were like a male version of our group.

Liam and Niall left the room to collect their stuff as they had given up their room for us to sleep in. They were going to sleep in Zayn and Louis room for the night, Harry was sharing with Ali so Elle and I had Liam and Niall's room.

I was suddenly craving fresh air so I made my way out on to the balcony looking out at the view. The moon shone over the sea creating an eerily peaceful atmosphere instantly making me feel calm and safe.  I was too engrossed in the view to notice how fresh it was outside and that someone had crept out after me.

"Hey." Zayn spoke startling me as he came up beside me. "Take this."

He handed me a blanket making me aware of the goose bumps covering my bare arms. I wrapped it around me as Zayn leant against the wall looking out at the moon.

"It’s beautiful out here." I mused resting my head on my hand.

Silence lingered between us as we watched wave after wave crash into the sand.

"Are you two up for a drinking game?" Louis interrupted leaning against the door frame.

I looked at Zayn who shrugged so I nodded and followed them both back into the living room. Taking back my seat from earlier I accepted the glass of clear liquid from Louis. One sniff confirmed my original thought, straight vodka. Thankfully I can hold my alcohol pretty well so I shouldn’t be too affected by this game.

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