Chapter 10

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‘I’ve been torn apart

desperately trying to find a way back to my heart

so I can love again.’

                                                                  To Love Again- Alesha Dixon


"Ok, so we will walk in slowly and stop when the water reaches your chest." Zayn stated as we stood at the edge of the sea. I nodded my head slightly overcome with fear.

My earlier braveness had completely disappeared and it took everything in me not to turn and run.

"Ash, look at me." Zayn murmured. I lifted my head up to look into his eyes instantly feeling calmer. "I won't let anything hurt you but you have to trust me, ok?"

I nodded trying hard to slow my breathing. He held his hand out to me with an encouraging look on his face. I placed my small hand in his large one sending more shivers up my spine. He moved to stand facing me and began walking backwards. Keeping my eyes trained firmly on his I followed him into the sea. The water rose around me but true to his word he stopped when the water reached my chest and his waist.

"How are you feeling?" He asked rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand repeatedly sending waves of calm throughout my body.

"Ok at the moment because I can touch the ground." I replied trying to relax as the cool sea lapped around me. Focus Ashleigh, you can do this.

"We don't have to go any further if you don't want to." Zayn reassured me taking my other hand in his.

"We've come this far we might as well continue." I replied putting on a brave face while inside I wanted to run for the shore.

Zayn nodded continuing to walk back slowly holding my gaze. As the water reached my neck I froze in panic. Zayn continued walking so our joined hands stretched between us.

"If I go any further I won't be able to touch the bottom." I informed Zayn panic causing my voice to shake. This was a bad idea, a really bad idea.

"You might not be able to touch the bottom but I still can." Zayn assured me. "Trust me."

"Trust me", his words echoed in my mind. I swallowed nervously taking some deep breaths. I felt Zayn's arms pulling me towards him. I stepped forward gingerly standing on tiptoes to keep my head out of the water.

"Just swim towards me, Ash, I've got you." He smiled encouragingly his eyes sparkling in the sun.

Part of me wanted to get back on dry land asap but I knew Zayn could be out with the others instead of in the shallow part with me.

Summing up all my courage I swam forwards as Zayn's arms pulled me to him. His muscular arms circled my waist, my chest pressing against his. I thrashed my feet around trying to reach the bottom and began to panic when I realised I couldn't.

Zayn must have seen the panic in my eyes because he held me tighter and assured me, again, that he could touch the ground.

I began to relax in his arms but when he loosened his grip around my waist I freaked flinging my arms around his neck locking my hands tightly. Glancing out at the others playing catch I felt guilty, Zayn should be out there having fun with them not stuck here with me.

"I can get out if you want to play with the others." I mentioned as we bobbed in the waves.

"I'd much rather be here with you." He whispered in my ear as I leant my head on his shoulder. I couldn't ignore how my heart rate picked up at these words. Everything he said was so sincere.

"Get a room." Harry teased as him and Ali swam past us and back to the shore. Ali winked at me before splashing Harry with water.

Turning to watch them I noticed how far we were from the beach, we must have drifted with the waves.

"Why didn't you tell me we were this far out?" I demanded feeling my nerves creep back paralysing me with fear.

"You were so relaxed I didn't want you to panic." Zayn admitted.

"Oh well that worked well." I snapped sarcastically immediately feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry, can we just swim back please."

"Sure." Zayn muttered apologetically his arms unwinding from my waist. I instantly missed how good it felt to have him hold me. His hand soon found mine underwater as he swam back to shore pulling me with him.

Running across the hot sand to our towels I noticed that Harry and Ali were no where to be seen. Sitting on my towel I laughed as Zayn dried his hair off causing it to stick up messily in all directions. Before I knew what I was doing I leant over fixing his hair in his signature quiff style.

"Thanks." Zayn smiled before an approaching Louis interrupted him.

"He must really like you if he let you touch his hair. No one is allowed near it normally, are they Zaynie boy?" Louis teased flopping down next to me shaking his hair out. Water droplets flew everywhere making me laugh even more.

Zayn shoved Louis playfully before rolling his eyes at me. I giggled as I pulled my hair into a messy side plait feeling proud of myself for what I had just achieved.


Authors Note:

Hey guys,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It’s my favourite one so far as we are beginning to see Ashleigh open herself  up to Zayn and build a fun relationship with Louis.

I have a backlog of three chapters and am still writing as much as I can before writers block can strike again so will be aiming to update at least once a week from now on but no promises.

In other news, I have my ticket booked for the This Is Us movie. am going to see it on Friday with my sister and am mega excited. Also, massive congrats to Zayn and Perrie, I totally ship Zerrie.

Ok so two questions:

1. What music are you loving this summer?

2. What do you think of Louis and Ashleigh becoming closer (purely as friends)?

But generally:

Read. Review. Enjoy.

Much Love xx

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