Chapter 17

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‘And that’s why I smile it’s been a while since

every day and everything has felt this right.’

                                                         Smile- Avril Lavigne


I woke to the sounds of shouting. As my eyes adjusted to the light I momentarily panicked as I realised this was not my apartment.

Sitting up quickly I relaxed instantly when I saw Zayn sat there. I must have fallen asleep after our long conversation. It amazed me that even after everything I told him he still wanted to be around me.

'Hey sleepy head.' He smiled at me his shirt creased from where I had been leaning on him.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. How long have you been sat there?' I apologised smoothing my hair. I must look awful what with all the crying and sleeping.

'About an hour.' He answered stretching his arms.

'I'm so sorry you must have been so uncomfortable.' I exclaimed to which Zayn shrugged.

'Actually you were a very comfortable blanket.' He smiled.

'And you were a very comfortable pillow.' I countered as the boys came bursting into the room.

'Oh hey Ashleigh.' Louis stuttered clearly shocked to see me.

'Hi.' I replied standing up. 'I was just leaving.'

'No don't go Ash we can go somewhere else.' Liam insisted to which Louis, Niall and Harry nodded in agreement.

'No really it's fine. I need to get ready for dinner anyway.' I countered beginning to walk to the door.

'I'll see you out.' Zayn spoke as the boys flopped down on the couch. I walked to the door with Zayn following me.

'Thank you for everything.' I breathed trying to convey to him just what his support meant to me.

'Come here.' He whispered opening his arms.

I walked into them my legs giving out as he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight against his body. The affect he had on me was insane, I could only imagine how it would feel to kiss him. My head rested against his chest feeling his heart beat under my ear.

'I would do anything for you. You just say the word.' He spoke softly his hot breath tickling my ear.

I eventually pulled away knowing I had to get back to the apartment. 'You coming to dinner?' I asked already missing the safety of his embrace.

'I wouldn't miss it for the world short stuff.' He said my heart skipping a beat at the nick name he had given me.

'I'll see you later then quiffy.' I replied giggling.

'Quiffy?' Zayn chuckled. 'I suppose it's an improvement on tall thing.'

'I'll find a good one eventually.' I promised.

'Personally I think something like gorgeous or sex god would do.' He smirked playfully.

'The point of a nickname is that its true.' I teased.

Zayn put his hands to his chest. 'Ouch.'

'I should really go.' I repeated my earlier statement.

'Yeah you should.' Zayn replied smiling when I made no move to leave. I laughed when I noticed this and turned to leave quickly before I ended up staying there all day.

I was halfway home when my phone chimed. Reading the text I smiled .

From Zayn ;) - I thought you were never going to leave xx

I quickly typed out a reply walking fast eager to get home.

To Zayn ;) - very funny. You should be a comedian xx

I kept walking our apartment building soon coming into view. My phone chimed less than one minute after I had sent that reply text.

From Zayn ;) - I tried but settled for sex god instead ;)

Rolling my eyes I put my phone away for the moment. I scaled the stairs quickly sending a quick reply to Zayn as I waited for someone to let me in.

To Zayn ;) - What have I told you about lying. You'll end up like Pinocchio xx

Just as I hit send the door swung upon to reveal a slightly worried looking Ali. Her face softened when she saw me as she stepped aside to let me in.

'I was beginning to worry.' She confessed following me in to my bedroom. I took a seat in the edge of my bed as Ali shut the door before joining me.

'How did it go with Zayn?' She asked as I kicked my shoes off.

'Really well. I told him about Jarrod, everything.' I revealed.

'I'm so proud of you Ash. That must have been hard.' Ali spoke concern evident in her voice.

'It was, I struggled for ages to find the right words but he made me realise that there are no right words to describe what happened I just had to say it.' Grabbing my hair brush from the side I began to brush through the matted mess my hair had become after the events of today.

'What did he say after you told him?' Ali asked leaning back on her hands.

'That he wants to be with me no matter how slow we have to take it. Can you believe that?' I confessed still unable to believe Zayn's  choice.

'Of course I can. I told you so didn't I?' Ali grinned never one to miss a moment to say I told you so.

'Well I wish I could have as much faith in myself as you have in me.' I sighed staring at my reflection in the mirror. To put it plainly I looked awful. My hair was now hanging limply. My face was red, puffy and tear stained. My clothes were creased and I could only imagine what I sounded like.

'One day you will.' Ali started. Noticing my sceptical look she stood up moving next to me in the mirror. 'Not yet but one day you will learn to love yourself again just like you will learn to love others and let them in.'

'I hope so.' I replied turning to hug Ali. 'Thank you so much for everything. I honestly wouldn't be here without you.'

Ali pulled away her eyes sparkling. 'Alright that's enough. No more crying today lets yet ready to have some fun tonight.'

Noticing my raised eyebrows she quickly clarified. 'Not in that way.'

'Not for me anyway.' I teased.

'Hey.' Ali giggled flouncing from the room turning back to me only to give me the finger.

'Love you really.' I shouted after her.

'Course you do.' She yelled slamming her bedroom door.

I grabbed a towel and headed for the shower knowing I had a lot of work to do to make myself look halfway decent for tonight.


Authors Note:

Hey guys,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had fun writing this one :)

So after this week I will probably only be updating once a week as I am going to Uni so enjoy some frequent updates this week :)

Okay so my QOTU is not exactly related to this story but I am just interested:

what is your favourite tattoo that one of the boys has?

Mine is the quote along Liam's arm.

I love each and everyone of you for reading this story it means so much to think that even one person has read something I am reading.

Don't be shy, comment and let me know what you think.

Much love


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