Chapter 14

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‘Please don’t say you love because I might not say it back,

doesn’t mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that.’

                                                        Please Don’t Say You Love Me- Gabrielle Aplin


"I have no idea what to wear." I groaned flopping on my bed. My wardrobe was wide open with clothes thrown everywhere. I had spent the last ten minutes trying and failing to decide what to wear. I was just thinking of calling Zayn to cancel when Ali had walked in to help.

"You're only struggling because you're nervous when you really don't need to be." Ali soothed rummaging through the discarded clothes. "Here try this."

She held up a black crop top and a white dip hem skirt. I pulled the clothes on and began walking to the mirror when Ali stopped me. "Let me put the finishing touches to it first."

I stood impatiently as Ali fixed a brown belt around my waist and handed me my tan gladiators to put on. She fixed my hair in a loose fish tail braid before stepping back to admire her work.

"Can I look now?" I pleaded. Ali nodded and I ran to the mirror. Looking at my reflection I barely recognised myself; I looked so stylish.

"Did I do ok?" Ali asked nervously.

"You did amazing. What would I do without you?" I gushed pulling Ali into a hug.

"After everything you've been through you deserve to be happy." Ali insisted as we broke apart.

"You are the best friend ever." I admitted tears filling my eyes.

"And you are the strongest person ever." Ali countered taking my hands in hers. "I know this isn't easy for you but just remember that you deserve this."

The doorbell rang startling me. I began to shake as nerves took over. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can just breathe Ash. It's only lunch." Ali assured me. "I'll tell Zayn your coming; take as long as you need."

Ali walked out of the room as I sat on the bed trying to calm my nerves. It's only lunch, I repeated on my head.

When I had managed to steady my breathing and my hands had stopped shaking I stood to leave. I adjusted my skirt, grabbed my bag and walked out to the hallway.

Zayn was stood by the door chatting to Ali. I managed to get a good look before he noticed me. He was wearing a white vest with a blue checked shirt, brown chino's and converse. In his hand he held a bunch of daffodils, my favourite type of flower. Noticing me standing there he stepped forward handing me the flowers.

"You look breath taking." He smiled causing me to go weak at the knees.

"Thank you. How did you know these were my favourite?" I puzzled.

"I asked Ali." He admitted bashfully.

"Well thank you they are lovely." I smiled trying to maintain my composure.

"So, uh, we should probably get going." Zayn said shifting nervously from foot to foot.

"Right." I agreed looking at the flowers unsure what to do with them.

"Here I'll take them." Ali answered my thoughts reaching out for the daffodils. I handed them to her with a grateful smile as Zayn opened the door.

"Have a wonderful time." Ali spoke before mouthing 'relax' at me as I passed. The door slammed behind us as I followed Zayn down the apartment stairs.

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