Chapter 4- Zayn's POV

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But you can't have a man look at you for five seconds

without you being insecure

                                                                    How to Love- Lil Wayne


Zayn's POV

I stared at Ashleigh's retreating figure trying to think what I said or did wrong. Running my fingers through my hair I sighed wondering why I cared so much about a girl that I had only just met.

True she was gorgeous with stunning red hair and a great figure but it was so much more than good looks with her. I usually go for confident, loud girls and Ashleigh was the complete opposite yet I couldn't help but feel I was already falling for her.

I turned to see Ali coming towards me looking concerned. "What did you say to her?" She accused as Harry appeared behind her looking equally annoyed. Oh boy, I was really in trouble here.

"I have no idea." I shrugged, as confused as she was.

"I told you not to flirt with her." Ali stated hands on hips, her protectiveness of Ashleigh evident.

"I swear I didn't." I cried feeling like I couldn't do anything right.

"You have a very loose definition of flirting, Malik, so you'd better tell us what you said." Harry spoke shaking his wet hair like a dog.

"All I said was there is nothing to be afraid of and I'd keep her safe." I spluttered defensively still unsure as to what I had done to cause Ashleigh to walk off like that.

"Perfect." Ali spat storming off after Ashleigh.

I looked at Harry bewildered but he just looked at me with the same anger that Ali had.

"What?" I demanded angry at myself for upsetting Ashleigh and angry at Harry for not sticking up for me.

"Well I gotta say mate if that's not flirting I don't know what is." Harry warned. "I know its hard not to make a move on every girl you see but you should trust Ali when she tells you that Ashleigh really doesn't need this right now."

"Ok, for starters I do not make a move on every girl thank you very much." I insisted ignoring the look Harry gave me. "And secondly, it's not as bad as it sounds. We were talking about her fear of the sea, it was completely innocent I swear."

"Nothing with you is completely innocent, Malik." Harry scoffed sitting down next to me. 

"Ok so maybe I fancy her but I did listen to what Ali said yesterday and I am not going to make any sort of move unless Ashleigh is comfortable with it." I protested.

"You are honestly telling me that you are fine crushing on a girl who may never want anything more than a friend from you?" When I nodded Harry continued. "Wow, serial dater Zayn Malik finally changing his ways. Now that I would like to see."

"Shut Up." I muttered angrily deep down knowing that Harry was right. I cared more about Ashleigh already than I had ever done for any previous girlfriend. I could see that she had been hurt before and I was just letting her know she was worth more than she gave herself credit for. As for Harry's last comment, it was true I had had more than my fair share of girlfriends but so what?


Authors Note:


So this is my first chapter from Zayn's point of view. It is a little short as I didn't have too much to say but I felt that it was key to get something in from his POV.

My OCD is screaming at me right now to alternate between the two POV's between chapters but I don't think I have so much to say from Zayn's POV as Ashleigh's POV and I don't want to fill this story with rubbish. So ignoring my compulsion to change this story will remain largely from Ashleigh's POV with the odd chapter from Zayn where I think it is appropriate.

I hope that's cool with you guys. And please, the usual, read and review, thanks.

Much Love


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