Chapter 2

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Let’s go to the beach, each

let’s go get away

they, say what they gonna say?

                               Starships- Nicki Minaj


As the beach came in to sight I began to worry. Since what happened with Jarrod meeting new people made me nervous as I felt they could see all my flaws. Ali pulled me to one side letting Elle go on ahead.

"I just wanted to check you're ok before all hell breaks loose. I know how badly Jarrod messed you up and I'm glad he's paying for it. I don't want you to think this is some kind of set up. I want you to move on when you are ready, I'm not forcing anything." Ali spoke the concern clear in her voice.

"I know Al but I'm fine honestly. You are the best friend a girl could have and I appreciate everything you do for me but I'm actually looking forward to meeting some new people. On a strictly friends basis of course." I insisted linking my arm through hers and pulling her in the direction that Elle went.

Seeing Elle in the distance placing her towel out but no boys around I glanced at Ali questioningly. She returned this look by directing my attention to the sea where five boys coming out of the water. I couldn't help but notice that they were right, they were seriously hot.

My stomach tightened with nerves as they reached the Elle greeting her with friendly hugs before turning to Ali and I as we approached. They immediately hugged Ali and I couldn't help but notice the extra long hug the curly haired boy gave her, presumably Harry. Ali introduced me and I was soon engulfed in a torrent of wet hugs.

I glanced around at them trying to find a way to remember all their names. The curly haired boy with a cheeky smile, who was now taking a seat next to Ali, was indeed Harry. Niall had blonde hair, braces and an Irish accent, Liam and Louis had brown hair but Louis' was messier.

Finally Zayn, wow, I don't think I'll be mixing him up easily. His jet black hair was quiffed up and he had this really intense stare which was, I realized, fixed on me. I caught his eye and smiled shyly. He returned the smile before jumping up startling the group.

"Who's up for a game of volleyball?" Zayn questioned glancing at everyone in turn before settling his gaze on me. I could feel myself blushing as I got lost in his chocolate brown eyes. After some initial hesitation everyone agreed to play.

"Boys against girls." Louis decided leading the boys to the other side of the net.

"Easy." Ali announced playfully as I stared at her shocked. Easy? There were five of them and three of us not to mention the fact I suck at sports. As far as I could tell there was nothing easy about this, we were doomed to lose.

"Care to make it interesting then if it's so easy?" Zayn remarked his toned (and tattooed) forearms on show as he gripped the net.

"What did you have in mind?" I replied ignoring my racing pulse. God, why did Ali have to turn everything into a bet.

Zayn looked me up and down considering his decision carefully.

"Losing team buys dinner." Niall interrupted breaking the silence.

"You're on." Ali cried kicking everyone into action and the game got under way.


Authors Note:

Hey guys

Thanks for sticking with this story and reading at least this far it means a lot. I am currently on summer break so will be throwing updates at you thick and fast.

I would really appreciate it if you could review the chapters in the comments section below as I am always open to constructive criticism. Or just let me know what ya think :)

That's all really, keep reading, keep breathing and keep strong.

Much Love


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