Chapter Three: The Declined Offer

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I ran out of the building. I immediately went looking for a new place to live even if it was temporary. That turtle that tackled me a little to hard. I know I promised to obey Shredder. But what was I going to do if he was actually going to kill me? If he'd actually wanted to keep me he wouldn't have had Stockman unstrap me from the table. I know in my gut he will hunt for me once again. But I will be prepared this time. I wander around a little bit staying in the shadows. Wow for the "City that Never Sleeps" it sure is quite, a little too quite. I round a corner and there was a group of guys there. Two of them were really scrawny and the last one is really muscular. I quickly turn try to run.

"Hey, boys looks like we can have some fun tonight after all," their leader I think taunted.

I cringe. Someone grabbed my shoulder and I was slammed into a wall. I wince in pain. One of them walks up to me with a baseball bat. Really a baseball bat?

"Now little girl isn't time you screamed for help," the muscular one taunts.

"You, know Fong I actually like this one's face maybe we should just have her," the other scrawny one suggested.

I don't like the sound of that. Need to come up with a plan. I struggle against the grip even more and then a voice pops up in my head.

"There is more than one way to take them out. Most likely use the Muscle Man and if you take him out then they wouldn't stand a chance. Strike three major pressure points and take him down. The pressure points are located on his inner throat, inner most left side of stomach and the right hand side shoulder blade."

I finally get free and went after Muscle Man and take him down like it was nothing. Maybe the man doesn't work out truly, it looks like he took nothing but steroids for the past five years. Geez, people and their drugs. The scrawny ones come at me. One holding the baseball bat and  Fong holding a crowbar. Man, humans today. Baseball bat boy kept trying to bash my brains in but I ducked after five times of moving away and the bat hit Fong in the face causing to become unconscious. Fong dropped the crowbar as he came into contact with the ground. The bat was swung at me again I caught it before it made contact with my skull. I took the bat out of his grip and used it to jab him in the stomach to make him grab it in pain. He crotched down in pain and I uppercut under his chin making him go into a deep sleep.

Just then after I took out the last guy four shadows came into the alleyway. I sniff the air and noticed it was filled with a reptilian smell. It was them, the Turtles. How did they find me? Most likely heard the fight.

"Man, no Purple Dragons to take out," the orange one cried out.

"Hey, weren't you that wolf girl thing that was inside TCRI? Yeah, you're the one that tacked Mikey," the red one points out getting his weapons out.

I put my hands up in surrender. He doesn't look convinced.

"It's not like that! Some skeleton dog and girl kidnapped me. I was gonna be tested on by someone who calls himself Stockman. I only told Shredder that I would attack you guys. I actually wasn't going to but then orange turtle over here went after me. I was only only protecting myself, I didn't mean any true harm. Besides these thugs," I retorted.

"Wait, are you some kind of mutant," a turtle in a purple bandana asked me.

"Yes. Actually, I'm a rare mutant," I answered trying not to brag.

"Can we get your name," blue masked turtle asked.

"I'm Faith," I answer quietly.

"Hi Faith, I'm Leonardo. Leo preferably," blue introduced.

"I'm Donatello. But everyone calls me Donnie or Don," purple introduced.

"You can call me Mikey or Mikestar or Pizza King or whatever you like," orange answered.

"I'm Raphael. But call me Raph," red introduced.

They all seem nice except for Raph. Why do things have to have to difficult?

"So, Faith, where do you live," Leo asked attempting to break the awkward silence.

"Mobile," I answer.

"Mobile," Mikey asked confusingly.

"Meaning I don't have an actual home. All my homes were torn down, I've been kicked out and also ran away," I explain.

"Umm... maybe we can give you a home," Donnie suggested.

"No thanks. I can live on my own just fine. I haven't have anyone take care of me for long because I run off or they die," I refused. "Besides you guys really don't know me so I can't. I'm sorry but I'm not very comfortable around others. Perhaps another time."

After I finished I ran off as fast as my legs can carry me. I hope they aren't following me. I don't need to hurt anyone else. I've hurt far too many. I don't need anyone's protection or house to live in. Need a new place to stay. Some where at least until winter is over than I can go anywhere I want. I don't have anyone to talk to besides the voices in my head. I missed my only opportunity.

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