Chapter Twelve

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I sit up in bed and watch the doorknob. I cringe as the door slowly opens. This is it, I think to myself. This is the moment that we confron-. My thought's are interrupted by the door flying open and Fel and Brian pop their heads into the room. "HIII!!!!" She says, but when Dylan steps out from behind the door she changes her attitude. "OH," she says, wide-eyed, "I'm not interrupting anything? I am?"

"UM NO DEFINITLY NOT." I practically scream, red flushing my cheeks. "I'll explain later." I tell her. "Why not now?" She asks me. "It's too much to explain right now." I tell her. Suddenly I hear the doorknob rattle. "Hurry!" I whisper-shout to all of them. "Get behind the door!!"

Everyone gets behind the door and I try to look like I just woke up. Dr. Mason walks into the room and says nothing. He injects me but as he turns to leave, Dylan shuts the door. "You know, you'd think that for a doctor, you'd have at least some common sense. I mean, you must have known that I had access to all the file rooms since my mom works here." Dylan says. My eyes grow wide and so do Fel's and Brian's. Dylan might wanna come into this a little more concealed. Dr. Mason's already killed two girls. We have no idea what else he's capable of.

"We know what you did to Olivia. And Ali." Dylan continues. Dr. Mason raises his eyebrows. Dylan seriously needs to stop pushing his buttons. "I'd be very careful on how you talk to me. You wanna tell secrets? I have dirty bits on all of you." Dr. Mason turns to Brian. "Isn't that right, Robbie?" he says, smirking. Brian turns away from him. "I'll tell a secret on all of you." now he turns to me. "How would you like them to know who your miscarriage's father is?" he asks me.

"Don't." I say, tears swelling in my eyes. Please no, no, no. "Aww. You don't want them to know? Then I suggest you keep your mouth SHUT." He says. He reaches for the doorknob but I can't do it. I can't live with him
having secrets over me. He'll torment all of us for the rest of our lives here. Quickly thinking, I grab the lamp next to my bed and bash Dr. Mason over the head with it.

I kept hitting him over and over with it, crying in the process. Dylan grabs my hand and looks at all of us. Me, Fel, and Robbie (I guess I'll call him that now). "We need to go," he says, his voice in a low tone. "NOW."

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