Chapter One

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I wake up and roll over on my side, yawning and stretching until it feels as though my muscles are relaxed and in place. I sit up in my bed and push the covers off of my body. Well, I say "my bed" but technically it belongs to the hospital. Although, it has been about three years for me in the hospital so I guess it would be common law and I could claim this bed as my own.

I used to have a room next to this one but that was before the little gi- "Well hello Joy," Dr. Mason says as he enters the room, interrupting my train of thought. "I can see you're awake. Right on time for your medicine, too." He smirks at me and pulls out the needle that's been injecting me every morning for these past years. "Ready for your injection?" he asks me. "Let's get it over with." I sigh and roll up the sleeve of my white shirt.

He walks over to me and wipes my arm with the cold, wet rag. He puts the needle up to my arm and pierces my skin. I wince as he slowly pulls it out. A little blood comes out of my prick and I pull my sleeve over it, the blood leaking through my shirt. He flashes me a quick smile and asks the usual questions. "Any dreams, nightmares, insomnia?" I give the usual answers. "No, no, and no." More like 'no way in Hell am I telling you about my dreams'. "Great!" he says, his loud voice echoing in the hollow room. "Makes my job easier," he says, scribbling furiously on his clipboard. He walks out of the room and leaves the door open. I put my dark brown hair in a braid and look around the room. Just a white bed and a white desk and the rest is pretty much just white space. I scrunch my nose. Too much white for me. Everything here is so plain, even our clothes. I would probably blend in with the wall if it weren't for the small red blood spot on my shirt.

I walk out of the room and into the dining room. My senses are overwhelmed by the delicious aroma of breakfast foods. You'd expect the food to taste like junk since it's a hospital but it's actually really good. They must of hired really great cooks because I find myself looking forward to every meal, every day. I grab a plate and help myself to some eggs, bacon, toast, and grits. I take my usual spot in the cafeteria and begin shoveling the food into my mouth. The medicine kicks in quickly and it makes me really hungry. Ali, my best friend, takes her spot by me. She smiles at me and eats her food quietly. I've known Ali since I first came here. She helped me cope and relax and get into the routine. She's been here since she was a baby, but she's ten now. Just eight years less than me. I know, it sounds kind of sad that an eighteen-year-old's best friend is a ten year old. But I just feel comfortable around Ali and I actually trust her.

"Hot gossip today." She tells me, pushing her blonde hair behind her ears. I stop eating and turn to her. "Well," I say, "spill the beans." She smiles again and her green eyes light up, glaring into my blue ones. She loves knowing stuff before me. "Dr. Mason said that I could be your roomate now." My eyes grow wide. I've been begging Dr. Mason to let Ali move into my room but everytime he just raised his eyebrows and wouldn't say anything to me. I was very happy. But if he knew I wanted her to move in so much, why wouldn't he tell me before her?

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