Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this took so long but I was contemplating on how to end this book. I didn't want to leave it off on "Or so we though that was the end." because that leaves too many possibilities. "Did the guards find them?" "Were they on the run for the rest of their lives?" "Did they all die of old age?" "Did a giant cat come out of a black hole in the sky and wipe them off the face of the earth and into oblivion?" Well, I'm back to put your active minds at ease. Yes. The cat thing did happen. Enjoy!!

*eight years later*

I hold Sky's soft hands in mine, smiling at her as we spin round and round. A wide, toothy grin spreads over her 5-year-old face. "Don't let me go!" she yells. I laugh as her little legs flop through the air. I slow down the spinning, allowing her feet to fall back to the ground. "I'm dizzy!" she giggles. Fel comes out of the door, smiling. "Sky! Come get lunch!" Sky disappears into the house and I follow behind her. "Thanks for watching her while I made lunch." Fel says. "No problem. She's a little bundle of Joy." I say, slyly adding my name in the sentence. Fel laughs. "Classy." She says, smacking her leg and walking back inside. I look down at my own growing stomach, smiling.
It's been pretty easy to adjust here. I mean, the first three years was when we were most cautious. But for these past five years, we didn't really need to be that careful. We also (within the first two years) decided that our hair choices were HORRIBLE. I kinda liked the red but the perm was horrible. I just didn't want the police to recognize me and I guess I went to extreme measures. But now my hair is a shiny, glossy, straight black that I keep in a messy bun most of the time. Fel liked her purple but she decided to change it after I pointed out that everyone stared at us when we went to stores. She decided that she wanted...(drumroll)....a dark blue. *sigh* There's no hope for that girl.
Dylan walks into the room and gets down on his knees in front of me, smiling at my stomach. I smile too and put my hands on his shoulders. "It could be any day now." I tell him. "Can't wait." he says, still smiling. Robbie walks into the kitchen and immediately asks "Where's Fel?" as he grabs a mango from the fridge. Fel made us buy some as soon as we got to the new house. "She went upstairs with Sky." Dylan says. Robbie smiles and walks into the living room. "Time to watch sports then!" he calls, plopping down on the couch. Dylan gives me pleading puppy eyes and I sigh over dramatically. "Go." I say, thrusting my arm in the direction of the living room. "YES!" he yells, running to join Robbie on the couch. I roll my eyes but I can't contain the smile that breaks across my face.

*later that night*

I wake up with the bottom of my pajamas soaked, a pool of water around me. "Dylan?" I ask, shaking him. He rolls over on his side. "Hm? Nightmares again?" he asks. I smile and point to the water. "The baby's coming." I tell him. He pushes his dark hair out of his eyes. "What?" he asks, still half asleep. Suddenly a streak of pain shoots through me. "The baby's coming!" I yell.

Dylan wakes Fel and Robbie up and they both immediately run to the car. I walk downstairs and stand in the doorway, cradling my stomach and puffing air in an attempt to calm down. Dylan runs frantically around the room, asking questions left and right. "Do you have your bag? Are they in the car? Is everything in che-" I throw a book at him to stop his last question. "Get in the damn car!" I scream.

When we get to the hospital, I scream in my bed. "Breathe!" Dylan says, squeezing my hand. I squeeze his harder, glaring at him with murderous eyes. "DON'T TELL ME TO BREATHE YOU IDIOT!" I scream, immediately feeling guilty. "I'm sorry. You know I love you right?" I say. He stares at me like I've lost my mind. "Yeah. I love you too." He says cautiously. And after four hours of pain, little Faye came. I cradle her in my arms, making cooing noises at her as she grabs Dylan's finger. My little miracle. I couldn't wait to start my life with her. I look back at Dylan and give him a quick kiss as I whisper an "I love you". As I turn back around, I can't help but notice two faded little girls in the corner of the room, smiling proudly at me.

THE END (for real this time guys :4)

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