A Different End

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Chapter 1

A/N: Welcome all Bella and Damon lovers! So this is a crossover between Twilight and the Vampire Diaries (Based on the T.V series). Now look- instead of the whole Bella moves to Mystic Falls or Bella is related to Aunt Jenna or whatever that has been done a lot of times I'm going to do something different- like way different. Now Damon will be a little OOC (You'll figure out why…) BUT don't worry he'll be still the Damon Salvatore we all love and hate, just for different reasons. This story is set 5 years after New Moon, and where Jacob 'broke up' with Bella- but he didn't come later that night to talk to her. And this is set before the storyline of the vampire diaries about 1 or 2 years back (I haven't decided yet.) Anyway, you guys don't worry about that- this story is the foundation of Damon and Bella's relationship, and then when this is over- the fun will began with the Vampire Diaries plot line. So yes, there will be a sequel following the episodes based on what happens here. I would like to point out that I have more than 10 chapters waiting in wings- and all I'm waiting for is REVIEWS and if you have an idea I'll take a good look at before making changes.

Thanks, So enjoy and please review


Damon Salvatore's Point of View

Life sucks. And then you die. Of course, been there and I'm still living; if that's what you call it. Every day is the same. I exist, my emotions though, don't. I don't care, I don't hurt and I especially don't love. You know why? Because love sucks- like hell.

Why should I care? I don't want to- I don't need to. There is nobody to care about, nothing to live for, except tormenting my baby brother. Yes, Saint Stephan. Everybody's-first-choice Stephan, I thought bitterly as I drained my shot, loving the burning feeling around the inside of my throat. I pulled the ring out of my pocket. The ring, my only hope-a very desperate, stupid and old hope. It was beautiful. I thought for the millionth time as I twirling it lazily around with my fingers.

I remember the day it was given to me, a couple days after I was fed by my dear selfish brother, the dick. Emily Bennett a witch of my time, a maid to the bane of my existence. She had given me this.


I sat on one the edge of the lake, watching the sinking in the sunset. It was beautiful, and I silently thanked my beloved Katherine for giving me a ring that would let me see it over and over again for the rest of eternity. With my new vampire senses I caught the smell of the witch behind me.

I stood up and looked at her my face unreadable. She nodded at me once before turning back to the setting sun now an orange color.

"Hello Damon." She said after a minute.

"Good Evening, Mi- Emily. What can I do for you this fine day?" I said almost sarcastically, I could hear the bitterness in my voice. I was damned and I wasn't happy.

"Damon, you will be alright." She said suddenly looking at me with her wide eyes. I stared her- I couldn't help myself, I spilled. I let my emotions show. Anger, hate, betrayal, hopelessness. She sighed as she pulled out a small box from one of the folds of her dress. She took my hand and placed the black box into my palm.

"What is this?" I asked my eyes never leaving hers.

"This is a gift, a gift of hope Damon. I made it with my magic. It has spells very much like your own, but I could only make one. I chose to give to you." Emily said closing my fingers around it. I opened it and turned to the side.

It was a ring very much like my own, but smaller and feminine. It sparkled in the last rays in the sun showing me the small diamond encrusted on the sides. Ironically it was magical.

"I can't accept- Why did you give this-What I-"I was interrupted as she began to speak in a calm voice.

"It's a ring, a ring that will only fit the lady that is meant to be with you. Forever. I was going to give it Stephan but I saw that you needed it more. The next years for you will be not be pleasant, and the girl that is meant to wear that ring, doesn't exist yet. And she will not for a while." She said softly as she put a hand on my shoulder. I looked back at the ring feeling the small but thin strands of hope tie together in my dead heart. But one person kept creeping into me snipping the strings.

As if she was reading my thoughts she spoke. "Katherine is not the one for you, I'm sorry. She's not dead nor is she in Mystic Falls, she ran away leaving you two not wanting to be held down. That ring is not for her, and I think Damon that's it's the best to move on from her." She said. I sat down on pone of the benches staring ahead letting her words sink in. After what felt like an eternity, I nodded stiffly showing her I understood.

I felt pain, pain of Katherine betrayal and pain of my brother's. I felt almost sick. Then hate came to me at the thought of her. The woman I was devoted to, I gave up everything for her even my life-the woman that I loved… the woman I…. used to love.

Emily was right, looking past the ghost of the need to be with here I couldn't imagine Katherine being actually being with someone. She proved that to me by showing that one Salvatore wasn't enough, and I knew it would never be. Not for her.

And to be truly- truly honest with myself I didn't want that. I didn't want her, a girl who is selfish, and a person who doesn't care. I know myself enough to know that I'm not the kind of person who shows their soft side on their sleeves, but I can care. I can care for the people I love. Unfortunately that was no one. I have no one at all.

But I had a ring, and with this ring I have hope that I will not be alone forever.

"Thank you Emily..." I said quietly before returning my eyes back to the last rays of the sun.

End of Flashback

I gave the bartender a glance as he refilled my shot reminding myself why I was here. Ah Port Angeles. I sat on the stool in almost empty bar as I hunted, looking for a prey.

Years after I had been given the ring I had tried on many countless girls just to get my hopes shattered countless times. Over the years I had pulled out of my pocket less and less until it was just a ring. I sighed. Someone up there must really hate me.Whatever, I thought scowling.

My routines when I was thirsty were theses, either get a chick, pull my famous charm out of the box, get laid, and either drain them dry or compel them to forget it ever happened.

Or I could play dead, then attack in the middle of the street. Whichever way I get my blood, and I get my distraction. My emotions I hate them. So bad.

I don't want to feel what I did to them, so I turn it off. Not wanting the human in me to explode from the guilt and pain and the loneliness. I turned my head as I heard someone take a place on the stool next to me. My eye widened as I took her in.

She was young in her 20s or at least 19. She had long brown wavy hair that ended at the mid of her back. She was thin, unusually thin, but she had a curvy body and the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Her eyes though dull were a beautiful chocolate brown, her skin was pale and her lips were full and very inviting.

She was wearing skinny jeans that hugged her legs quite nicely along red camisole along with nice black leather jacket, and she wore black stilettos. I noticed as half of the men in the bar turned towards her obviously undressing her with her eyes.

Though, after looking past the stunning beauty I could see even now as she ordered a drink that she had been hurt. It was hard to explain, but she looked so lifeless and fragile and she had given up on something. Something important…but what? I shook my head out of my daze as I drained my glass. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn't what had gotten into me but, I was feeling a pull towards the mysterious beauty.

I sat next to her my back leaning against the bar and said in my usual cocky tone. "Hello beautiful."

A Different EndWhere stories live. Discover now